Monday, October 15, 2018

SR Juza Backstage Sweet Kung Fu Translation Part 2/2

Let's Get the Manto!

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: Heh, seems like this drama is about kung fu too. What a coincidence.

Juza: Yeah. The actor in the leading role, his movements are so fast…

???: --Ah! You over there!!

Juza: ? …me?

???: Yes, you! Sharp eyes, firm build… and, your outfit! It's perfect…!

Juza: ….?

Izumi: E-Excuse me…?

Staff: Ah, please forgive me. I'm a staff member of this drama.

Staff: I'm extremely sorry to suddenly ask this of you, …but if you would like, could you perform in the drama!?

Juza: !?

Izumi: Eh?

Staff: The truth is, we're about to film the battle scene between the villain and the protagonist but--.

Staff: The director suddenly said he wants a strong looking person to stand next to the villain, something like his right-hand man…

Staff: There aren't lines to remember, and if you appear in just one shot we'll manage something so… can I ask it from you…!?

Juza: No… if I was alone I wouldn’t have minded but…

Izumi: (…can it be that Juza-kun is declining because he thinks he would be keeping me waiting?)

Izumi: Juza-kun, you don't come across a chance like that often, give it a try!

Juza: But…

I'm begging you…!

Staff: If you join the shooting, I will give you this popular exclusive manto!

Izumi: Ah, this is, the manto from the flyer…!

Juza: …!!

Izumi: Ahaha, now we have no choice but join the filming.

Juza: …my bad, Director. I'm leaving you for a bit.

Izumi: Yeah, do your best!


Izumi: (As expected from Juza-kun. Even though it was just one scene, his presence was huge)

Izumi: Juza-kun, nice work!

Juza: Yeah.

Juza: …in the end, the sun has set. Director, I'm sorry if you had something else you wanted to eat.

Izumi: Ahaha, don't sweat it. There's no way we could pass such a big opportunity.

Staff: Thank you very much! You were so good that I would even like you to join us again!

Staff: Well then, here's the manto I promised you. Here you go!

Izumi: Eh, is it okay for us to take this many?

Staff: Of course! You saved us when we were in a tough spot after all! Please eat them!

Juza: …thanks.

Staff: Well then, excuse me. And thank you very much!

Izumi: To think we'll end up getting the manto in this way.

CHOICE 1: Juza-kun, you were so cool!

CHOICE 2: How was the filming like?

Izumi: Since we got them, how about we try the manto right now?

Juza: Yeah.

Juza: …it's good.

Izumi: Really? Then I'll try one too.

Izumi: …!!

Izumi: (T-This is… so… sweet…!)

Izumi: (I can tell it tastes like peach, but there's this unexplained sweetness that surpasses it, I'm having a heartburn…)

Izumi: (The employee from the store, she was all ambiguous about the exclusive flavor, can it be that it's too sweet that it's not popular…)

Juza: Munch munchmunch.

Juza: ? …Director, you're not eating?

Izumi: Yeah… I'm fine. Juza-kun eat all you want.

Juza: Munch munch

Izumi: (I-I was somehow able to finish one. We got so many, so I thought we could share it with everyone but--)

Izumi: (I feel like Juza-kun is the only one who's able to eat them…)

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