Monday, October 15, 2018

SR Juza Backstage Sweet Kung Fu Translation Part 1/2

Let's Get the Manto!

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: The battle scene between Chan, Yun and Qilong has gotten really good.

Juza: Yeah. I feel like our kung fu stage combat has become more synchronized too.

Yuki: We're back.

Muku: We're back home.

Izumi: Yuki-kun, Muku-kun, welcome back.

Juza: Welcome back.

Muku: Ju-chan, there you are! Look at that!

Juza: ? What's that?

Muku: It's a flyer about Chinatown, I found it in the convenience store. I thought you would like it Ju-chan.

Juza: "In High Demand! Chinatown Made Manto"… *

Izumi: Heh, it looks delicious!

Yuki: There's also an exclusive special flavor, but seems that tomorrow is the last day for it.

Juza: Tomorrow huh… I don't have any special plans, I think I can go…

Muku: Yuki-kun and I wanted to go too, but we have plans for tomorrow…

Yuki: It requires some guts to go to Chinatown alone right.

Izumi: (Juza-kun looks like he's at a loss)

(Now that I think about it last year when we went to Chintatown for his birthday, he was worried about eating the panda manju, saying it doesn’t fit his looks)

Izumi: (…alright. I don't have any plans tomorrow either so--)

Izumi: Juza-kun, if it's fine with you, can I come with you? I'm free tomorrow, and I'm interested in the manto too!

Juza: I don't mind but… is it really okay?

Of course. Let's go manto searching together tomorrow afternoon!

Juza: …yeah.


Izumi: It's as lively here as usual.

Juza: Right. There're many tourists too.

Izumi: Let's see, the manto store… according to the flyer, it's supposed to be over there…

Juza: …isn't it that store?

Izumi: Ah, it really is!

Izumi: Eh, but somehow it's so empty. It said it was popular so I was sure there would be a crazy line.

Juza: …maybe they're sold out…?

Hmm, I wonder about that… for now let's try and ask.

Employee: Hello, welcome.

Izumi: Excuse me, we saw the flyer about the exclusive manto, do you have any left?

Employee: Ah, so you saw that flyer.

Employee: I'm sorry, but today not only the exclusive manto, but all our manto are sold out.

Juza: ….!

Izumi: O-Oh no….

Employee: Seems like there's a shooting for a TV drama here, so the staff bought all of the manto.

Employee: Never mind the regular manto, but for the exclusive manto to be sold out too, it's a first for us.

Izumi: ? Is that so?

Employee: Ah, well, yes. The regular flavor might actually be more popular.

Izumi: I see…

Juza: So they are sold out after all…

Izumi: (Juza-kun looks disappointed… he wanted to eat manto after all…)

Izumi: Um, seems like they're selling mooncakes over there!

Izumi: We couldn't eat manto, but there're many other tasty things here, so let's try them out.

Juza: ….right.


Izumi: Yup, this mooncake, is so savory and delicious…!

Juza: This one has nuts, it's good.

Izumi: Hm? Over there, there's a huge crowd. Can it be…

Juza: Looks like the drama shooting the employee mentioned.

Izumi: I wonder what they're filming. Let's go take a look.

* Manto - Chinese steamed bun.

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