Friday, November 3, 2017

SSR Omi Backstage Bon Appetit Pumpkin Translation Part 1/3

Pumpkin Sweets Time!

Part 1 / Part 2 Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Omi: Well then, what should we buy?

Izumi: We're going to throw an after party once the Halloween contest ends tomorrow after all.

Izumi: Since we have the opportunity, I want to make lots of food and sweets related to Halloween!

Omi: Right. Then, making the taste of autumn our main focus…

Store Announcement: "Dear customers, today's special event, guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament will begin shortly!"

Store Announcement: "By all means, gather up your energies and participate!"

Izumi: Guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament? I wonder what is that?

Omi: Sounds interesting, let's try taking a look.


Store Manager: Then everyone we have kept you waiting! The guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament is starting now!

You'll have to be guessing the weight for, this pumpkin here!

Woah, it's huge. It's splendid.

Manager: The rules are simple! You only have to guess the weight of this pumpkin! The person who guesses the closest to the actual weight will receive this pumpkin and--.

Manager: this store's recommended pumpkin set as a present!

Izumi: We can get this huge pumpkin and, on top of it even more pumpkins!?

Izumi: Omi-kun…!

Omi: Haha. Director, your eyes are sparkling. Seems like we have no choice but to participate.

Omi: Sakyo-san tells us not to waste money, if we can get it for free it’s the best.

Manger: Then first, let's start with 5kg. If you think this is the weight raise your hand!

Manager: Ah, naturally each one is able to raise their hand once!

Izumi: (Alright, if it's guessing I want to guess it perfectly right!)


Manager: …15kg! Is there anyone, who thinks it's 15kg?

Manager: Then next, 16kg! Someone who thinks it's 16kg!

Izumi: (Alright, this must be it!)

Izumi: Here.

Manager: Ah, that's too bad young lady! Though your momentum was good~, it's a miss.

Izumi: Uuh, I got it wrong…

Izumi: And somehow the way I've been told that is really frustrating…


Izumi: (Omi-kun, he has an unusually serious expression… I wonder when he will raise his hand)


Manager: The customers who haven't raised their hand are down to a few. Then next! 31kg! Someone who thinks it's 31kg!

Omi: Here!

Manager: Is there anyone else! Seems like there isn't!

Omi: Young man! That is correct!! Congratulations!

Omi: Alright!

Izumi: Eh!? Amazing, Omi-kun!!

Customers: Ooh!! Congratulations!

Omi: Ahaha, thank you very much.

Izumi: Getting it exactly right is amazing! How did you know?

Omi: No, it was just gut feeling. Just somehow…

Manager: Congratulations! Then here's a present of a giant pumpkin and pumpkins set!

Omi: Woah, carrying all this is going to be tough. We have to borrow a cart.

Omi: But with this, seems like we can make a huge volume of pumpkin cooking.

You're right!

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