Tuesday, November 7, 2017

SSR Omi Backstage Mankai Birthday Translation Part 1/3

Making Something in the Image of the Other

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Omi: Hn-…. somehow I woke up early.

Omi: Since I did, it's still early but should I start preparing breakfast… hm? That's rare for so much pre-made food to be here.

Omi: Did something special happen?

Omi: ……….

Omi: …I see, today is my birthday. Then can it be, that this is for me…?

Omi: …hm? But--.


Izumi: Hn… it's morning already… Yawns… as I thought waking up early is tough.

Izumi: But this is for Omi-kun's birthday, I have to do my best!

Izumi: (I prepared lots of food with everyone from Autumn Troupe yesterday night, then all is left is just making the cake while it's still morning!)

Izumi: Ah, it's soon time to meet with everyone. It'll be bad if I I'm late, I think I'll go.


Izumi: Guys, morning. …wait, eh? Somehow there's a nice smell…

Omi: Ah, Director. Good morning.

Izumi: Eh, Omi-kun!? Why are you in the kitchen!?

Izumi: (W-What should I do, at this rate the surprise is going to be ruined…!)

Omi: What's wrong? You're pale, are you feeling unwell or something?

Izumi: Ah, n-no, it's nothing! Can it be that you wanted to make breakfast? If that's the case then I'll make it so…

Izumi: Wai-, Omi-kun, why are you whipping cream!?

Omi: Hm? Ah, I'm making a cake.

Izumi: I-I can see that but…! What I want to ask is, why are you making one!?

Omi: Right… because only a cake was missing from the feast inside the refrigerator, I guess.

Izumi: (…! He has already found out about the cooking…)

Omi: The truth is, I completely forgot today was my birthday.

Omi: So everyone trying to secretly celebrate for me, surprised me, but it truly made me happy.

Omi: So I felt like making a cake not for my celebration, but as a return gift for everyone.

Izumi: (I'm happy about his feelings, but with this the surprise party is a failure…!)

Taichi: Morning~!

Izumi: Ah.

Banri: Eh, Director-chan you were here already. Can it be that we're late… wait.

Omi: Good morning. Everyone is up early today.

Juza: O-Omi-san…?

Taichi: Eeeh!? Wai-, why is Omi-kun making a cake!?

Sakyo: How did things end up like this.

Izumi: (As I thought everyone is surprised…)

Juza: Omi-san, if it's making a cake we'll do it so…

Omi: No, the truth is I'm done already. …alright, with this it's complete.

Taichi: Aaaah… we didn’t make it…

Banri: …geez. Omi you're today's MVP, so you don't need to do anything.

Sakyo: Huh, exactly that.

Omi: Haha, I'm sorry. I want to repay something back to you, for thinking about celebrating for me.

Izumi: Geez, if you smile like that, we can't get angry even if we want to…

Juza: Anyway, we'll do the rest of the preparations, so Omi-san this time you sit and wait please.

Omi: Yeah, got it. Thank you, guys.

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