Saturday, November 11, 2017

Event hAve A greAt trip! Translation Part 1/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Mizuno

Mizuno: And so, by all means I want to invite all the Mankai Company members overseas.

Izum: Um, it's an attractive deal but…

If it's overseas, we don't have this kind of money…

Mizuno: Of course our company, Mizuno Enterprise will take care of everything including the traveling fees, lodging fees and the rest.

Izumi: Eh!? Everything!?

Mizuno: Yes.

Mizuno: This overseas training, is an invitation for Japan's promising theaters to go and watch a famous overseas theater.

Mizuno: It's a theater in a place called the holy place for performing, and actors from all over the world gather there.

Mizuno: I thought that it will surely, be a good stimulus for everyone.

Mizuno: The third performances of all Troupes have ended, so how about going there also as a leap for the future.

Izumi: I see…

Izumi: (Indeed there's much to learn from it, and it'll be a good experience. I think it's a good opportunity but…)


Izumi: Sakyo-san, what do you think?

Sakyo: …I think it's good.

Mizuno: Really!?

Sakyo: Well, those guys deserve a reward from time to time. On top of it, it's a good opportunity to come in touch with world-level acting.

Izumi: You're right. I think everyone will be happy for sure!

Mizuno: That's great, thank you very much! Then let's start immediately with the arrangements--.

Tsuzuru: Director~?

Mizuno: …!

Mizuno: Then, I'll contact you later with the arrangements of the program and the schedule.

Mizuno: Thank you very much for having me…!

Izumu: Ah, Mizuno-san--.

Izumi: …he left.

Sakyo: It's the same development as always.

(Mizuno-san, can't he meet with Tsuzuru-kun after all…)

Tsuzuru: Ah, so you were here.

Tsuzuru: …oops, I'm sorry… did you were, in the middle of something…?

Sakyo: We've just finished. Don’t mind it.

Sakyo: Then I'll go back to my room for now.

Izumi: Yes, good work.

Tsuzuru: …hm? You dropped some documents… he left already.

Izumi: Ah, those are--.

Tsuzuru: Rising Theater – Overseas Training Proposal… Mizuno Enterprise…?

Izumi: The truth is, Mizuno-san was here until recently.

Tsuzuru: …!

Tsuzuru: That guy… geez.

Izumi: (Tsuzuru-kun, somehow he looks happy)

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