Tuesday, April 13, 2021

SSR Omi Backstage Passion in the Development Department Translation Part 1/3

Presents for Omi Project

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Dinner is ready!

Taichi: Ah… it's not curry!

Guy: Chicken boiled with demiglace sauce huh.

Citron: Hmm, very yummy!

Banri: So it wasn't your cooking duty today, Director-chan.

Azuma: It smells great. Did Omi make this?

Izumi: Yes. He made it before he left so we can reheat it later.

Azuma: But wasn't Omi busy recently?

Banri: He sure was.

Taichi: He comes back late every day.

Azuma: And yet he made such a complex meal for us.

Izumi: He did. I think he is tired, but he never skips his cooking duty, so I'm a bit worried…

Citron: Is Omi okay?

Guy: Shouldn't we replace Fushimi when it is his turn to cook?

Taichi: That could've been nice but…

Banri: Seems like cooking is like a breather for Omi, so replacing him is complicated.

Azuma: Omi might still be cooking even while he's busy because he genuinely wants to.

Guy: I see.

Citron: But I worry…

Izumi: Right…

Taichi: Should I ask him anyway?

Izumi: That might be a good idea. Sorry to ask that of you, Taichi-kun… but would you ask Omi-kun today if you get to talk to him?

Taichi: Got it!


Taichi: Omi-kun, welcome back! You're late today too.

Omi: I'm home. Were you still up?

Taichi: Yeah, there's something I want to ask you…

Omi: What's wrong?

Taichi: Today we talked about how we should replace you in cooking duty until things calm down for you at work… what do you think?

Omi: I didn't know you were talking about that for me…

: I'm sorry for making you worry. It makes me happy, but I really am fine so let me do the cooking.

Taichi: Is that really okay…?

Omi: Haha, it is.

Omi: I told you before, cooking is something like a breather for me. If I can't cook, I might become depressed.

Taichi: I'll leave it then… but don't overdo it!

Omi: Yeah, I know. Thank you.


Taichi: Morning!

Citron: Good morning!

Izumi: Breakfast is ready.

Taichi: It looks yummy today too!

Banri: By the way Taichi, did you talk with Omi?

Taichi: I asked him about it… He said if he can't cook he might be depressed, so he refused.

Izumi: Is that so…

Banri: Thought so.

Citron: If Omi says so, nothing we can do.

: It would be nice if we can do something for Omi-kun…

Izumi: Hmmm… Like giving him a present that would soothe him?

Taichi: A present?

Izumi: Yup, how about gifting him modest presents that wouldn't burden him?

Banri: Yeah, sounds like a plan.

Citron: It's boring to just give him present. Let's surprise him!

Izumi: So how about every day while Omi-kun is out, we'll take turns secretly leaving a small present on his desk?

Taichi: It's nice having a present waiting for you every day after coming back home!

Citron: Mini-Present for Omi Project, starting now!

Izumi: Then let's decide on the order of giving the presents and let everyone know!

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