Friday, April 2, 2021

SR Sebek Outdoor Wear Translation Part 1/2

Won't Let You Say "Who are you"

Part 1 / Part 2


Main Street

A few days before "Vargas Camp"

Sebek: Young Master! Let me accompany you to your class today as well.

Malleus: Sure, do however you please.

Lilia: Sebek is as overprotective as usual~.

Silver: Malleus-sama. If he's bothering you, it's better to clearly say it to him.

Sebek: What are you talking about, Silver! There is no way I'm troubling the Young Master.

Leona: 'Sup, horns man.

Sebek: You bastard…! How dare you speak so rudely to the Young Master!!

Sebek: Correct your disrespectful attitude! Shall you not, know you would not get an audience with the Young Master!

Leona: Why is there a wall talking…

Leona: Malleus. You can't even talk while not hiding behind someone?

Malleus: …Sebek, stand down.

Sebek: But Young Master…!

Malleus: Don’t make me repeat myself.

Sebek: …. Yes.

Malleus: …And? What do you want, Kingscholar.

Malleus: Surely, you didn't call out to me without a reason right?


Lilia: Even if it's something the Headmaster said, it's rare for Leona to come himself.

Lilia: If it's just relaying a message, he usually makes Ruggie do it.

Silver: Seems like Ruggie is scared of Malleus-sama. He must have refused.

Lilia: My my, there's no need to be scared of Malleus though. I would've liked him to be more friendly.

Malleus: …Sebek.

Malleus: Next time you meet Kingscholar, apologize to him for today.

Sebek: Eh!!!!!?????

Sebek: F-For us faes to bow our heads to someone from a different species…!?

Sebek: But Young Master! If I do this your dignity will…!!

Lilia: Maybe it is of no care to you, but Leona is still supposedly a royal prince of another kingdom…

Lilia: Your words and deeds just now might trigger unnecessary conflict.

Lilia: You should do as Mallues says.

Sebek: Y….. Yes sir-!

Sebek: I deeply apologize for doing something to harm the dignity of the faes!

Malleus: Sebek. Aren't you apologizing to the wrong person?

Sebek: P-Pardon me. In the upcoming days, I will apologize to Leona Kingscholar….-senpai.


Dwarfs' Mine – Campsite

First day of "Vargas Camp"

Sebek: …Hm! Over there it's…

Silver: It's Leona-senpai.

Sebek: …………. ….Silver, I'll be taking my leave for a moment.


Sebek: Hey, you bastard… got it wrong. Leona… s-senpai!

Leona: Hah?

Sebek: I am… sorry for the other day!!!!!

Leona: So loud… don't scream so loudly out of the blue.

Leona: More like, who the hell are you?

Sebek: What!? We talked in the Hall of Mirrors before coming here you know!!

Sebek: We also met a few days ago in the Main Street! I am Malleus-sama's guard…

Leona: I don't care who you are. If that's all you have to say I'll be leaving.

Sebek: Wh, Wh, Wha….

Sebek: What is with this guy---!!!!

Sebek: He doesn’t remember me even though we just met the other day!?

Sebek: Is he saying no one besides the Young Master is worth acknowledging!?

Sebek: No, the Young Master is a mighty individual. I do think it makes sense no one else would come into view…

Sebek: But still, it irritates me to no end!

Sebek: Damn you Leona Kingscholar… I'll make sure he acknowledges my existence!!

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