Milk Speed Drinking Contest
Characters appearing:

Citron: Yay~! Veludo Bath is all hours!
Masumi: Not all hours, all ours.
Omi: To think they'll reserve it just for us as thanks for the collaboration.
Sakyo: You guys, don't cause a ruckus just because there aren't any other customers here.
Taichi: But isn't it the first time all of us enter the bath together!? It's exciting!
Kazunari: I feel you! Hey, how about we all wash each other's backs!? I always wanted to try doing that~!
Misumi: Sounds fun~! Let's do it~!
Guy: Hm, the daily water is lavender. It smells nice.
Hisoka: It's warm and nice… if they had marshamallow water it would've felt even better.
Yuki: That’s way too sweet. If you want a sweet smell, at least settle for apples.
Azami: Apple water or mandarin water are good for the skin too.
Tasuku: Though seems like they have citrus water or iris water according to the season.
Homare: Changing the water according to the season, and praying for sound health… Wonderful! My inspiration is overflowing!
Tsumugi: Join your hands together… yeah, just like this.
Sakuya: Let's see… like this?
Tsuzuru: You're making a water gun. I did it often with my brothers~. You do it like that--.
Sakuya: Woah… You're so good at this Tsuzuru-kun!
Tsumugi: The way you join your hands to make a water gun is different from mine Tsuzuru-kun. How are you doing that?
Kumon: By the way I learned a new foot massage technique!
Chikage: Oh. Chigasaki, you worked outside today right. It's just perfect, give it a try.
Itaru: Eh? No, I….
Kumon: Awright, I'll give it a try! Starting with the right foot--.
Itaru: W-Wait, it hurts! Kumon, stop! I give up!!
Sakyo: What are you doing…
Kazunari: Oh gosh, it looks so fun! Kumon, I'm next!
Citron: This bathhouse has a sauna too! Let's go together~.
Banri: Hyodo would probably give up in like a sec right.
Juza: Ah? You're talking about yourself aren't you?
Banri: The hell are you saying? Then wanna compete who can stay the longest? Though I'm gonna win obviously.
Juza: Don't freaking joke. I won't lose to you.
Taichi: Hmhm~♩ Taking a bath makes me want to sing~♩
Misumi: The other day Manager sang in the bath too~.
Tenma: Speaking of which you're always listening to music right Masumi? You're not listening to it in the bath?
Omi: Seems like recently there're waterproof speakers you can use in the bath.
Masumi: … there're also waterproof wireless earphones.
Tenma: Heh, you're well informed.
Muku: Azu-nesan, your hair is so pretty. But isn't it hard washing it and drying it when it's so long…?
Azuma: Not really once you get used to it. And it's fun taking care of it too.
Azuma: I've just started using a new shampoo. I'll wash your hair with it Muku.
Muku: Is that alright? Thank you so much…!
Misumi: Taking a bath with everyone's so fun~!
Kumon: Yup yup! The bathhouse is the best~!
Tsumugi: Phew, it felt good.
Banri: The bathhouse is nice once in a while.
Homare: It makes you feel fresh, and relieves both your body and soul.
Izumi: The lavender water had such a nice smell, I could relax so well!
Masumi: Finally I can meet you…
Kazunari: Well then,speaking of bathhouses, drinking milk after the bath is a must! Which means….
Kazunari: We will be holding a milk speed drinking contest!
Taichi: Yay!
Sakyo: Geez, you keep coming up with ridiculous ideas.
Kazunari: Each Troupe will choose a representative! And BTW, the losing Troupe will be in charge of cleaning the bath for one whole week!
Yuki: Ugh… not happening.
Azuma: We must choose our representative very carefully.
Kazunari: And we have our representatives! Entry no.1, Spring Troupe representative… Tsuzurun!
Citron: Tsuzuru, do it in one go!
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun, good luck!
Itaru: Don't lose.
Tsuzuru: Ugh… I'll try my best.
Kazunari: Next is our very own Summer Troupe representative, Sumi!
Misumi: Heeere!
Muku: Misumi-san, good luck!
Kumon: Sumi-san, go get them~!
Kazunari: Entry no.3, Autumn Troupe representative Hyodol!
Juza: …I won't lose.
Azami: …the gap with the strawberry milk in your hand is crazy.
Taichi: Juza-san, fight~!
Banri: You won't get off easy if you lose.
Kazunari: And finally! Entry no.4, Winter Troupe representative, Takusu!
Tasuku: Why me…
Azuma: I'm not very good at this kind of things…
Tsumugi: Competitions and such are your responsibility Tasuku.
Guy: Takato, I wish you luck.
Kazunari: Then Director-chan, I'm leaving the starting signal to you!
Izumi: Guys, do your best! Ready… start!
Tsuzuru: I'll do in one go!
Tsuzuru: --!? Pff!
Citron: Tsuzuru!!
Chikage: He put too much force he ended up spitting it out.
Itaru: It's game over huh….
Misumi: It was yummy~.
Izumi: Eh!? Misumi-kun you're done already!?
Taichi: T-That's way too fast…!
Tenma: The bottle was full right…?
Omi: Seems like our representative is done too.
Juza: Can I get another bottle.
Banri: Just how much do you wanna drink!?
Misumi: I want another bottle too~!
Sakyo: You guys are too loud!
Chikage: It's a complete chaos.
Tasuku: ….
Tsumugi: Tasuku is done drinking too… but no one has noticed…
Azuma: Tasuku, we watched you, don’t worry.
Guy: I think it was a very stoic and serious drinking.
Hisoka: Good work.
Homare: It is most excellent we get to avoid the cleaning!
Tasuku: ….huh.
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