Mizuno: --and after that, every group will come in turn up to the stage and have a rehearsal.
Mizuno: If there was something unclear, feel free to contact me.
Izumi: Yes, thank you for everything!
Mizuno: Oh, and another thing…
Mizuno: The door of the storeroom at the end of this corridor isn't functioning very well, it's forbidden to enter it so be careful.
Mizuno: You will not use it so I don't expect there to be any problems but…
Tsuzuru: Excuse me, Director! The staff wants to ask you something about the schedule of the rehearsals….
Mizuno: --!
Mizuno: …well, I have another meeting soon. Please excuse me.
Izumi: Ah, Mizuno-san--, and there he goes.
Sakyo: Again…
Izumi: Ahahaha…
Tsuzuru: Oh, there you are. The staff is calling you.
Izumi: …yeah, I'm coming!
Staff: Spring Troupe, Summer Troupe, please stand by!
Sakuya: Yes!
Tenma: We're off.
Tsumugi: Good luck out there.
Banri: Go and make the crowd go crazy.
Kazunari: Of coursey!
Taichi: Huh~ I'm all nervous now~…!
Azami: …alright, this should do it.
Hisoka: Thanks. That's good… just like the other time, the cut is gone.
Omi: Heh… it disappeared very neatly.
Homare: I expected this much from Azami-kun.
*phone ringing*
Azami: Hm? …it's from Ken-san.
Azami: I'm going out for a bit.
Taichi: Got it!
Azuma: Okay.
Azami: Hello.
Sakoda: "Hey, Azami! How you doing? You nervous?"
Azami: Not really… I'm feeling normal.
Sakoda: "Ooh, as expected! Somehow I'm the one who's getting all nervous!"
Azami: Pff, why are you nervous Ken-san.
Sakoda: "Me and the guys from Ginsen Group will cheer for you full power!"
Yakuza A: "Azamiii! Give it everything out there!"
Yakuza B: "Bon! We can't wait to see you!"
Azami: Yeah.
Sakoda: "Send our greetings to Aniki too!"
Sakoda: "Good luck, Azami! Azami and Aniki's—"
Azami: ?
Azami: Crap, I'm out of battery. Thinking of which I forgot to charge it yesterday.
Azami: I'll borrow a charger from someone in the green room….
???: ….
Azami: !?
Cat: Meow.
Azami: You're from that time… why are you here…
Cat: Meow.
Azami: H-Hey, wait!
Azami: Hey, you can't just come in here-!
Cat: Meow!
Azami: --.
Cat: Meow!
Azami: Huh, finally caught you…
Cat: Meow~.
Staff A: …hm? Why is this door open. It's forbidden to enter here right.
Staff B: Ah, sorry about that!
*door closes*
Azami: H-Hey--!
Azami: Geez… I'm in here y'know.
Azami: Anyway, I need to take you outside--.
Azami: …!?
Azami: …it won't open.
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