
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Event Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths Translation Part 4/11

Part 1Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters appearing:

Omi: Then can I leave the pamphlet to you?

Yukawa: Sure. I’m going to promote it perfectly.

Izumi: We’ll prepare the props for the performance.

Yukawa: Yes! If there’s anything else you need, contact me through Fushimi.

Izumi: Thank you so much. We’re leaving the rest to you.

Omi: I guess that’s it for our meeting then.

Izumi: Yeah, I guess.

Izumi: I have another meeting after this so I think I’ll just head there right away. What about you Omi-kun?

Omi: I’ll stay outside a bit more before going back. I thought about looking for parts for my camera too.

Yukawa: Right, you’re in the photography club right Fushimi?

Omi: Yeah, that’s right.

Yukawa: Photographs… that might be good.

Omi: Hm?

Yukawa: Truth is, the other day we consulted with the owner of Velu~do Baths about all kinda things.

Yukawa: About the performance too obviously, but also about something else we would like to hold in the facility in order to make things more exciting.

Yukawa: There’s some space in the lobby of the bathhouse, so we talked about how nice it would be to hold an exhibition…

Yukawa: We’re still discussing the content of the exhibition. Since it’s a chance, how about an exhibition of your photographs?

Omi: My photos?

Yukawa: I don’t even mind if the theme is simply things you like. Want to give it a try?

Izumi: I see. It’s a good idea. It’s a great chance to make more people see your photos!

Omi: You’re right… then I think I’ll give it a shot.

Izumi: Yeah!

Yukawa: Thanks! The people from the bathhouse would be happy to hear that. I’ll let them know.


Omi: I bought the parts I needed, so next is…

Misumi: Oh~! It’s Omi!

Omi: Oh, Misumi. What a coincidence.

Kitten: Meow~

Omi: Hm? Is that the cat from the other day…

Misumi: That’s right~. It says it won’t climb trees anymore, so it’s all good~.

Kitten: Meow moew~.

Omi: Ahaha, I see.

Omi: Oh, that’s right. Misumi, can I take a photo of you?

Misumi: A photo~?

Omi: We’ll be performing in the bathhouse soon right? There’s also going to be an exhibition of my photos.

Omi: I want to practice for that.

Misumi: Yup, it’s fine! Then together with mister cat, huggy~.

Omi: Yeah, that’s nice. Alright, smile~.

Misumi: Triangle cheese!


Misumi: You took it~?

Omi: Yeah, it’s perfect. Thank you.


Misumi: We’re back.

Omi: We’re home.

???: One, two…

???: Hya~!

Omi: Hm? It sounds very lively over there.


Tasuku: Hyodo, you have 50 squats to go.

Juza: ‘Kay…!

Tasuku: Hey Citron, don’t laze around.

Citron: No no! I’m not lazing! I just took a little break~.

Misumi: Guys, what’re you doing~?

Guy: Takato is holding a muscle training class for the upcoming performance.

Sakyo: Good grief…

Omi: Even Sakyo-san… how rare.

Sakyo: I’m only here because Citron said everyone must participate and pushed me here.

Kumon: Since out of everyone here, Sakyo-san is the thinnest~!

Citron: Sakyo is slender so he can’t put any muscles! You can’t blame it on your age!

Sakyo: I’ve never said that! Geez…

Tasuku: Next we’ll move to crunching. Fushimi, Ikaruga, will you join us?

Misumi: Yup! I’ll join~!

Omi: I’ll join as well.

Kumon: Alriiight, we’re gonna perform with sturdy bodies! Let’s do our best!

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