Saturday, December 21, 2019

SR Juza Backstage Heroic Adventurer Translation Part 1/2

Overlapping with a Bloodstone

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Omi: So the theme of the next performance is crystals.

Juza: Yeah.

Tsuzuru: The motif for your role is a bloodstone right, Juza.

Omi: Juza's role in our sixth performance was "Blood" after all.

Juza: Right.

Tsuzuru: And, you getting into character?

Juza: …I tried reading about bloodstones, but I can't really find anything helpful for my role building.

Omi: I have an idea. I'm pretty sure our university has a mineral research society.

Tsuzuru: A mineral research society…? Do we really have such a group?

Omi: Someone from my seminar is a member. Crystals are a type of a mineral right? Maybe they can give you a hint for your role.

Juza: I wanna check them out.

Tsuzuru: It might give me ideas for my script too, can I tag along?

Omi: Of course. I'll try asking them on our next class.


Male Student: Fushimi, I'm happy you could make it.

Omi: Thank you for having us. Take care of us today.

Juza: I'm Hyodo Juza.

Tsuzuru: I'm Minagi Tsuzuru.

Juza: I'm gonna play a role that has a bloodstone as a motif soon, so please teach me lots about it.

Male Student: A bloodstone huh, that's nice. We just happen to have the real thing here. Have a look at it and meanwhile I'll explain.

Juza: So this is…

Male Student: It's an ore. It probably weighs around two kilograms.

When it's this big it looks really impressive.

Male Student: You see how it has a red color here and there, inside the deep green parts?

Male Student: There are various theories, but they say it was named "bloodstone" because it stands for the blood of Jesus Christ.

Male Student: It is thought that holy powers that can block magic dwell in this stone.

Male Student: It's also popular as a healing crystal that gives the power to overcome hardships.

Juza: I see…

Tsuzuru: That Juza is writing everything down. His eyes are so serious.

Omi: Yeah, as expected of him.


Male Student: …and that's about it.

Tsuzuru: T-That was long…

Omi: Talking about a single stone for three hours, that's someone from the mineral research society for you.

Juza: Thanks. That was helpful.

Male Student: I can lend you this stone if you like.

Juza: Is that okay?

Male Student: Crystals store mysterious powers, you see. If you keep it close to you, you might be able to grasp something.

Male Student: Also, I was moved by how passionately you were listening to me. Please make this performance a success.

Juza: Sure, thanks.

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