
Monday, October 23, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 11/11

Epilogue - Identity of the Candy Thieves

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

The Halloween event, was sooo fun right! I was able to take many pics too, let's make them into an album later!

Sakuya: Taichi-kun and Tasuku-san were the winners. I was so moved!

Yuki: Well, their final performance on the main stage wasn't so bad either.

Taichi: I was super happy, to be able to perform on that stage! I was nervous, but it was a good experience~!

Izumi: Yup! Both your performance for the etude battle and the performance on the main stage were really great.

Tenma: At any case, to think a magician was the costume the top of GODza wears…


Citron: Taichi as a magician, fitted him so well~! Everyone else's costumes, were cute too!

Yuki: I made them, so it's just obvious.

Izumi: Citron-kun you dressed as a half man half beast right?

Citron: Yes, as a pan! It was very fun ♪

You were too lively! Whenever I took my eyes off you just for bit, you went running off somewhere right away.

Citron: Oh, sorry! There were so many interesting things, it was on a whim!

The costumes of Yuki-kun and Tsumugi-san, were very beautiful too. They were something like snow spirits right?

Yuki: Yup. Well it's still not the season for snow though. I also thought going only with horror related stuff was boring.

Yuki: Talking about making it snow, or about loving ice cream as comedy material for our street acts was pretty easy to do.

Izumi: I watched you too, but seems like the audience really liked it too!

Tenma: Juza-san if I'm not mistaken, you paired with Hisoka-san right.

Juza: Yeah.

Itaru: What costumes did you wear again.

Juza: …Hisoka-san was a ghost, and I was a patchworked man.

Itaru: That fits perfectly too. Though rather than a spirit, Hisoka had the feel of a marshmallow ghost.

Muku: Hisoka-san was cute as a fluffy ghost, and Ju-chan too was so cool!

Banri: Anyway you two didn't bring back candies at all right. Did you even street act?

Juza: ….

Izumi: Speaking of which, yours really were fewer compared to everyone else…

TV: "Today, we're bringing you a special report about Veludoway Halloween Contest which took place the other day!"

Kazunari: Ah! Look look, they're showing a report about the Halloween contest!

Sakuya: Looking at it again, it was really lively.

TV: "Then let's have a surprise interview with the winning pair!"

Muku: Ah! Taichi-kun and Tasuku-san are on the screen!

Taichi: Now that I think about it, after we won and performed on the stage we were interviewed!

Taichi: Ohhh, I'm on TV~! Is that a sign I'm gonna be popular!?

TV: "Congratulations for your victory! How are you feeling?"

Taichi: "I'm happy from the bottom of my heart…! I'm overflowing with emotions…!"

Kazunri: Taicchan, you're making a good face there!

Taichi: Tehehe~!

Itaru: …hm?

Itaru: Say, the ones behind Taichi are…

Izumi: Eh? Juza-kun and Hisoka-san?

Sakuya: You're right!

Yuki: …more like, aren't they eating their candies with everything they have?

Juza: ….

Hisoka: ….Zz.

Banri: Oi you! I told you not to eat 'em!

Izumi: T-There there. Seems like it's after they were counted.

Kazunari: Both of them are eating the candies so happily~!

Itaru: That explains why they brought back so little.

Sakyo: ….huh.

Omi: Halloween has ended already, but we still have pumpkins left so maybe I'll make pumpkin pudding or something.

Juza: Pumpkin pudding…

Banri: Omi you're spoiling him too much!

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