Monday, February 22, 2021

SSR Omi Backstage Adaptable Estoque Translation Part 3/3

The Secret for a Perfect Food Report

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Omi: We're here.

Tasuku: So this is Spanishland.

Muku: Woah… it's wonderful here!

Izumi: You're right! The landscape really feels like that of a foreign country, it's beautiful!

Studio Senior: Thank you for helping us today. We have the costumes prepared for you three, come after me.

Muku: Y-yes! I'm very incompetent but please take care of me!

Omi: Haha, it's like you're being married off, Muku.


Omi: Sorry to keep you waiting, Director.

Izumi: Wow, you three look amazing! You look so cool as bullfighters!

Muku: The costume is so wonderful… I-Is it really okay for someone like me to wear it…?

Tasuku: You're overthinking it.

Omi: That's right, Muku. It suits you.

Izumi: Yup! Have some confidence! It really suits you!

Muku: T-Thank you so much…!

Muku: I practiced with the other Summer Troupe members for the shooting, so I want to show the fruits of our training!

Senior: Guys, the result looks much better than I thought. I'm grateful that Fushimi found just the right personnel.

Omi: I'm happy to hear that.

Izumi: I'm looking forward to seeing your introductions!

Senior: Then let's start the shooting.

Omi: Yes. We’re ready.



Studio Senior: Please look at the camera!

Studio Senior: Looking good, Sakisaka-kun~! You're doing great.

Muku: Thank you so much!

Omi: Looks like Muku's shooting is going well.

Izumi: Yeah! You're right!

Studio Senior: Alright, we have it! Let's head to the attraction filming next.

Omi: You're up next Tasuku-san.

Tasuku: Yeah.


Tasuku: --Hmp!


Studio Senior: Very good! Your movements are looking sharp!

Tasuku: Should I get a bit closer?

Studio Senior: Right, let's take one photo from up close.

Tasuku: Got it.

Muku: Tasuku-san is so cool…!

Omi: He is, as expected from him.

Studio Senior: And we're done with the shooting here! Good job.

Tasuku: Thank you.

Studio Senior: Then the last one is Fushimi. I'm having high expectations from you.

Omi: Haha, I'll do my best to answer those expectations.

Studio Senior: Oh right, you two who finished shooting, since you're already here feel free to look around the park.

Studio Senior: I heard they're having a parade later in the plaza.

Muku: A parade? How nice…!

Omi: Your shooting is over already, so go watch it.

Muku: Eh, but…

Omi: Don't worry about me. It's your chance since you're finally here, so Tasuku-san and Director, feel free to go as well.

Omi: The park is wide after all, so it would be a problem if you get lost.

Izumi: Then I'll go with you Omi-kun, and Tasuku-san you go with Muku-kun, if that's alright.

Tasuku: I don't mind. Then let's go, Sakisaka.

Muku: Y-Yes! Thank you very much! Then we'll take our leave!

: Good luck with your shooting.

Omi: Thank you. Go have fun.

Omi: Are you sure you don’t want to go, Director?

Izumi: Yup. I practiced food report with you, so I have to see it through until the end.

Omi: I see. Thank you.

Izumi: You think the shooting will go alright?

Omi: Yeah. Leave it to me.


Senior: --Alright, with this the shooting is over!

Omi: Good job.

Senior: Omi, you're really good at giving food reports. I wonder if it's because you cook often, your comments were spot on.

Omi: I'm glad to hear that.

Izumi: Omi-kun, you were amazing! The manager looked very happy too, they smiled through the whole thing!

Omi: That's thanks to you, Director.

Izumi: Eh? I didn’t do anything…

Omi: When we went to the restaurant, you told me it's amazing that I have the point of view of a cook.

Omi: I didn’t notice it, but because you told me that I kept in mind to think and comment like a cook.

Omi: I was able to deliver the particularities and thoughts of the cooking-side to that of the eating-side because you made me realize it, that it's something only I can. do.

Izumi: Not at all, I just said whatever came to my mind… but I'm glad it was useful to you.

CHOICE 1: It looked delicious!

CHOICE 2: I can't wait to see the magazine

Omi: As thanks, I'll cook your favorite paella. What flavor do you like?

Omi: Lobster or crab… squid ink might work too.

Izumi: Hmm… they all sound delicious, but--.

Omi: But?

Izumi: How about curry paella? Omi: Haha, thought you would say that. So curry paella it is.

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