Monday, August 17, 2020

SSR Tasuku Backstage In Preparation For Opening! Translation Part 2/3

Love ♥ High Protein

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Tasuku: Minagi!

Tsuzuru: Yes!


Azami: There…!

Tsuzuru: Oh crap! Takato-san!

Omi: Azami, over here!

Tasuku: I won't let you--!

Izumi: (This time they're really fired up more than usual)


Tasuku: Let's call it a day.

Azami: So hot… I'm sweating like crazy.

Izumi: You worked hard guys. Here, protein shakes.

Omi: Thank you.

Tsuzuru: Thank you so much.

Izumi: …how is it? The amount should be fine but… I've never really made protein shakes before…

Tasuku: It's good. Thank you, Director.

Izumi: That's great!

Tasuku: But it's not expensive for nothing, it really is different.

Omi: Right. I feel like it's affecting my muscles.

Izumi: Really?

Azami: Well, the taste is different for once…

Tsuzuru: I don't really understand if this actually affects my muscles though…

Izumi: (Heh… somehow I'm curious now)

Izumi: Um, Tasuku-san, can I try it too?

Tasuku: I don't mind… but I've already drunk some, is that okay?

Izumi: I'm not exercising, I'm just curious about the taste.

Tasuku: This shake is filled with protein, you see. Protein helps to build our bodies, so it's important to take a fixed amount every day.

Tasuku: So it's not like only people who muscle train take protein. You should be able to take it comfortably too, Director.

Izumi: That's Tasuku-san for you. You're very knowledgeable.

Izumi: Alright then, let's give it a try…

 Woah, it's much better than I thought…! It's very easy to drink!

Izumi: Maybe I should try to continue with it too.

Tasuku: I think you should. But well, if you just keep drinking it without exercising, you're just going to get fat.

Izumi: …I'll make sure to remember it.


Izumi: What will you guys do next?

Tsuzuru: We're going to the bathhouse first, like always.

Azami: I want to wipe off all this sweat.

Izumi: Then I'll head back first.

Omi: Sure, see you later.

Tasuku: Director, thank you for helping us today. Be careful on your back.

Izumi: Haha, thank you. You too guys, be careful not to get too dizzy from the hot water.


Tsuzuru: Huh, I feel so refreshed~.

Omi: Going to the bathhouse after training feels great.

Azami: You guys, make sure to take care of your skin.

Tasuku: … ….alright, it's going well.

Omi: You're measuring your weight, Tasuku-san?

Tasuku: Yeah, it's my daily routine.

Tsuzuru: Let's see.. eh, I lost some weight.

Azami: Me too.

Tasuku: It might be because we're training more often recently.

Omi: Both of you are eating well, but it’s not catching up to the amount you burn.

Tasuku: In order to build your body, you should raise the amount you eat.

Tasuku: And also, I think that Minagi, you should do trunk exercises and work on your triceps surae, and Izumida, you should focus on abdominal muscles.

Tsuzuru: I-I see.

Azami: Though if I gain too much muscle Yuki-san would get angry…

Tsuzuru: That's true.

Tsuzuru: But I also want to do my best in the upcoming tournament, so I'll work hard on my training.

Azami: Same, I'll try increasing my abs.

Tasuku: Yeah.

Tasuku: Fushimi, you've got a great body as always.

Omi: Thank you very much. It has always been easy for me to build muscles.

Omi: But in the training today I noticed that I lack stamina, so can I join you on your runnings starting tomorrow, Tasuku-san?

Tasuku: Of course, I don't mind. While we're at it, how about we all run back to the dorms?

Omi: Eh, now?

Azami: But we're fresh out of the bath…

Tsuzuru: As expected I'm way too worn out today…

Omi: --and so, looks like we should take it easy on our way back today.

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