Monday, July 8, 2019

SSR Omi Backstage Now It's a Dear Shadow Translation Part 2/3

What Sleeps on the Tape

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Tasuku: If it's about that, you can ask for it all to be converted to digital data.

Omi: Heh, I see.

Tasuku: When I was in university, I filmed a performance of an OB. You could choose to convert it to digital data or to DVD.

Tasuku: If you convert it to digital data you can record it on many types of media, so it's extremely convenient.

Omi: Ah, well, my dad can't handle computers, so I'll go with a DVD.

Tsuzuru: My parents asked me to do just that too the other day, so I'll introduce you to someone who can do it.

Omi: Thank you, it's a great help.

Tasuku: By the way Fushimi, you said you might be doing the role of a martial artist in the upcoming performance right?

Omi: Yes. Though the content of the performance is not yet decided. It's just that Tsuzuru said it might fit me.

Omi: When I visited home the other day, my brother taught me some boxing forms.

Tsuzuru: Right, and when I heard about Fushimi-san's brother, it gave me inspiration.

Azami: Heh, so Omi-san's brother is doing boxing.

Omi: He was eager to beat me.

Tasuku: If you really do it, you'll need some preparations. I'll make a training menu that will give you the presence of a martial artist.

Azami: Ah, Yuki-san told me to tell Omi-san, to not let Tasuku-san get ideas inside your head about putting too much muscle.

Tasuku: That guy…

Tsuzuru: Nothing less from Yuki. He sees through everything.

Azami: He said he wants to think of a costume that would fit you current build.

Omi: If he says that, I have no choice but to obey.


Omi: ……

Izumi: ……

Omi: ……

Arr, Omi-kun…? It's kind of hard to do when you're filming me…

Izumi: (When there's a camera pointed at me, I get nervous and my hands are shaking, I might cut myself…!)

Omi: Haha, is that so? Sorry about that.

Izumi: Your brothers asked you to film the dorms?

Omi: Yeah. They're especially noisy about wanting to see you Director.

Izumi: Eh!? Why me…?

Omi: Who knows… maybe because I'm always talking about you at home.

Izumi: Eh!

Izumi: (W-What kinda things does he tell them…)

Omi: Alright, with this my assignment is completed.

Izumi: A video camera really brings back memories.

Omi: You don't get to see them much recently. Though they still might be used for school events and the likes.

Izumi: My mom filmed my school entrance ceremony like this as well. My dad always had performances so he couldn't attend.

Omi: My parents used to film my brothers and me in all kinds of events with this.

Izumi: Do you still have those tapes?

Omi: Yeah. I thought about converting them to digital data so I have them here with me.

Izumi: I see. I kind of want to see~. How Omi-kun was like as a child.

Omi: I don't think it's that interesting…

Izumi: Can't I?

Omi: Well, I haven't watched them yet either, so let's watch them together.


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