
Monday, January 28, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 5/7

The Reborn Autumn Troupe's 2nd Anniversary Play

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Izumi: (Okay then, I wonder how the practice of the Autumn Troupe is coming along--)

*awful guitar sounds*

Izumi: !?

Masumi: My ears hurt…

It really vibrates in my post-all-nighter head… flop.

Izumi: Tsuzru-kun--!

Izumi: (Don't tell me this is…)

Izumi: I-I'm going to check it out…!


Izumi: (As I thought it was the Autumn Troupe's practice session…)

Omi: Hmm… like I thought, we’re really getting out of sync as we play.

Juza: I don't know what part we're playing anymore.

Izumi: (…they look really great when they're holding the instruments like this, but the execution…)

Banri: Oh, Director-chan.

Izumi: You're practicing hard. …err, how did you decide who plays which instrument?

Sakyo: Lottery.

Izumi: Lottery…

Banri: I'm the main vocalist.

Azami: Juza-san and I are playing the guitar.

Omi: I'm playing the drums.

Taichi: Sakyo-nii is playing the bass, and I'm playing the keyboard!

Izumi: I-I see… by the way guys, any experience with playing instruments?

Banri: Nope.

Omi: I have none.

Sakyo: No way in hell I have any.

Juza: None.

Azami: Same here. My shitty pops will never agree to something flashy like that.

Izumi: Thought so…

Taichi: I've played around with a keyboard before in order to become popular, so it's all fine!

Sakyo: I think that if we can get accustomed to it, we’ll sound more decent but…

Omi: We just have to practice.

Sakyo: Right.


Banri: Alright then, let's try that part just now once more~.



Izumi: (Hmmm, Juza-kun keeps messing up on the same part, and like a chain reaction the whole performance falls apart huh…)

Banri: --I'll play the guitar after all. If it's singing then even Hyodo can do it right.

Sakyo: This might be for the best. Hyodo, you are a good singer right.

Azami: Heh. That's kinda unexpected.

Taichi: He scored higher points than Ban-chan in karaoke!

Banri: Ah? That was just a problem with my song choice, it was just a fluke I'm telling you.

Omi: Well, it is the truth that Juza is a good singer. Isn't it better if you change roles like Banri says?

Juza: --No, I'll keep playing the guitar. It's something we decided with lottery. I'll see it through to the end.

Azami: …


Azami: --Juza-san?

Juza: …Azami. On your way back from school?

Azami: Yeah. Where are you heading to with this guitar case.

Juza: …to practice a bit. The dorms don’t have soundproof rooms, so it's a nuisance to the other guys.

Juza: Settsu is being a pain in the ass and keeps telling me to settle for air guitar, so I thought about practicing in a karaoke place--.

Azami: …I'll come with you.

Juza: You're doing better than me right Azami.

Azami: I'm playing the guitar same as you. It's more efficient if we practice together right.

Juza: …Yeah, guess you're right.


Azami: Let's start again from the same part.

Juza: Yeah.


Azami: This part, try it again.

Juza: Yeah. My bad…

Azami: (…if we at least had someone who could teach us--)

*knock knock*

Azami: ?

Manager: As I thought, it was Hyodo-kun and Izumida-kun!

Juza: Manager… how did you know we were here.

Azami: Rather, don't just enter like it's nothing.

Manager: I came here to karaoke and then I saw you guys playing your instruments~. To think all of you were here…

Azami: All of you?

Juza: The others were here too?

Manager: Eh!? Ah~… F-From the shopping district! I was talking about my bowling pals from the shopping district~!

Manager: But what do you know, this really brings back memories~. When I was a student I also went with my band members--.

Azami: --! Manager, you were in a band?

Manager: Yes! You might not believe me but I was a music loving boy. I can play almost any musical instrument!

Azami: The savior has arrived…

Juza: True that…


Izumi: Let's practice here today.

Juza: Yeah. Here we can play with no worries.

Taichi: Let's do this~!

Banri: Then we're starting. One, two…


Izumi: Guys you're amazing! You became so much better compared to last time!

Sakyo: You're exaggerating.

Izumi: Not at all! Ah, here, have some water.

Sakyo: Yeah, thank y--.

Izumi: Are you alright!? Are you hurt…

Sakyo: …no. It's nothing big.

Omi: Haha. We should've taped that better.

Izumi: (…Sakyo-san's hands, it's covered with bandages. And Omi-kun's too…)

Taichi: Sakyo-nii and Omi-kun, you were practicing secretly right.

Izumi: Secretly?

Omi: So you noticed, Taichi.

Sakyo: Well, I didn't really think we could hide it.

Omi: The drums and bass are the support of the performance. We secretly visited a karaoke place and practiced there.

Juza: The same as us then.

Azami: And the Manager was able to hide it somehow.

Izumi: Fufu, seems like the revue will go smoothly too now! Let's keep this up, and do our best in the performance!

Banri: Let's show 'em who's the boss!

Autumn Troupe: Yeah!

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