
Monday, January 28, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 6/7

The Reborn Autumn Troupe's 2nd Anniversary Play

*Highly recommended to read while listening to the voice acting

Part 3 Autumn / Part 4 Autumn / Part 5 Autumn / Part 6 Autumn

Characters appearing:

(Banri as Secchin, Juza as Hyo-chan, Taichi as Taicchan, Omi as Fusshi, Sakyo as Chief, Azami as Izumin)

Banri: Oh~, Summer Troupe is really heating things up.

Taichi: We're not gonna lose either! Autumn Troupe is the strongest!

Omi: Yeah. It's just like you said Taichi.

Banri: …right. There's no way we're gonna lose. Let's show them who's at the top.

Sakyo: Goodness… you have high spirits, this one thing is for sure. Then get us in high spirits too like a Leader would.

Banri: Sure sure~.

Banri: Ah~… this year with Azami joining us we became a team of six, we tried on special makeup, and experienced our first comedy play…

Banri: As the Autumn Troupe, well I think we developed quite a lot. And as a compilation of it all…

Banri: Let's break out of our shells even more today.

Taichi: I can't wait for everyone's reaction!

Azami: Though it's a bit embarrassing…

Juza: All that's left now is giving everything we've got.

Banri: Alright! Let's do this Autumn Troupe!

Autumn Troupe: Yeah!!


Spectator A: Woah! Was this voice just now the Autumn Troupe!? They're so pumped up!

Spectator B: I can't wait to see them~!

Izumi: (The Autumn Troupe is really heated up too…! Even before the performance has started, the reaction of the audience already feels good!)


Izumi: (On the way back from a class reunion, a group of six people is creeping into an elementary school late at night--)

Izumi: (As they notice it hasn't changed at all, they naturally start to talk reminiscently about their elementary school days)

Fusshi: "It really brings back memories"

Secchin: "As expected the school building is locked and we can't enter"

Chief: "Obviously. We've been trespassing the moment we entered the school yard"

Taicchan: "Ah, you can see the inside of the classrooms. Both the chairs and tables are tiny!"

Hyo-chan: "We can't sit on those anymore"

Izumin: "They're gonna break"

Fusshi: "We used to be this small huh"

Secchin: "I can't remember it anymore"

Izumin: "We grew way too big now"

Chief: "Our builds aren’t the only thing that's changed right"

Fusshi: "True, we sure did change"

Izumin: "The age really shows on you Chief"

Chief: "Aah?"

Secchin: "Chief has always looked old right"

Taicchan: "That's why his nickname is Chief!"

Chief: "All of you changed too right"

Fusshi: "Our personalities are completely different"

Hyo-chan: "Makes me think all of you aren't even the same people"

Secchin: "Same goes to you"

Izumi: (The six of them, all grown up now, are telling each other they've changed so much that there isn’t a trace of their elementary school days…)

Fusshi: "But, back then I didn't think us six would meet up again"

Chief: "We weren't really that close back then"

Izumin: "I have nothing but bad memories"

Secchin: "It was really sudden right. How we started hanging out together"

Taicchan: "Remind me what was it that made us friends?"

Hyo-chan: "It was that thing right. The run away from home uproar"

Izumi: (And the story moves to the happenings of why these six, who weren't friendly at all, started hanging together--)


Secchin: "Whaaan"

Taicchan: "Why are you crying, Secchin. Did you fall again?"

Hyo-chan: "You always fall Secchin~! Secchin so clumsy~!"

Secchin: "Sob, sob… Taicchan, Hyo-chan…"

Taicchan: "If someone bullied you, I'll take care of them!"

Izumi: (One day in fourth grade, Secchin picked up what he thought to be a stray dog, but turns out it was a pet dog with an identification tag…)

Secchin: "You're wrong… I, found this puppy… sob… but, I can't own it… so I was told to go and throw it somewhere… sob"

Dog: "Woof!"

Hyo-chan: "Secchin, you found a dog!? Amazing!"

Taicchan: "Wait, Secchin, this dog isn't a stray"

Secchin: "Eh!?"

Hyo-chan: "Ah, there's an address written on its collar!"

Secchin: "No way…"

Hyo-chan: "Secchin you abducted it!"

Secchin: "Y-You're wrong!"

Taicchan: "Shouldn't you return it to its owners? Secchin, the police will come after you"

Secchin: "A-Am I going to get arrested!?"

Hyo-chan: "Secchin you're so clumsy~"

Izumi: (Secchin who wasn't allowed to keep the dog and left his home crying, is consulting with Hyo-chan and Taicchan)

Izumi: (Listening to Taicchan's advice after he found the address on the collar, they decide to go and return the dog to its owners…)


Secchin: "Aah, did that really happen?"

Hyo-chan: "Secchin always was the one to bring trouble"

Taicchan: "Agreed~!"

Chief: "Really, you guys sure did change…"

Izumin: "Secchin's got some attitude now, and Hyo-chan's cheerfulness has completely disappeared"

Izumin: "Taicchan too, you look like you fell from the group's leader to a mere underling…"

Taicchan: "That was a mean way to put it!"


Chief: "Eh, Secchin and the others are over there"

Fusshi: "What are they doing?"

Hyo-chan: "Ah, look it's Chief and Fusshi"

Taicchan: "Just in time! Chief, you own a dog right?"

Chief: "Eh? I do but…."

Taicchan: "Fusshi you too, you're in charge of the animals in school, come with us!"

Chief: "Eh? Eh?"

Fusshi: "Where to exactly…"

Hyo-chan: "Secchin has accidently abducted a dog so we're going to return it~!"

Secchin: "I didn't abduct it! I found it!"

Chief: "Huh!? I- I don’t wanna come… my parents will get angry…"

Taicchan: "Just come with us! You know dogs well right!"

Chief: "D-Don't pull me! I-I don't wanna… sob… whaaan"

Hyo-chan: "Ah-, you made him cry, you made him cry now~!"

Fusshi: "I'm not going either. It has nothing to do with me"

Taicchan: "Then just Chief is enough"

Chief: "Waaah, why me…"

Fusshi: "…if you insist this much, then I don't mind coming with you halfway there"


Taicchan: "Chief, you really were such a crybaby~"

Secchin: "And now you look like some kinda yakuza…"

Chief: "…it belongs in the past. Forget about it"

Hyo-chan: "You too Fusshi, you was cold back then"

Fusshi: "Is that so? I was still immature back then see"


Izumi: (On their way they're found by the class chairman Izumin, who questions them, but ends up coming with them)

Izumin: "What are you doing?"

Taicchan: "Woah, the annoying class chairman is here"

Chief: "Sob, sob… Izumin…"

Izumin: "Ah! You made Chief cry again? I'll tell on you to the teacher!"

Taicchan: "Let's go, guys!"

Dog: "Woof!"

Izumin: "What's up with this dog"

Secchin: "E-Err…"

Fusshi: "Secchin has abducted it, so we're going to return it"

Izumin: "Abducted!?"

Taicchan: "Ah! Don't tell him!"

Izumin: "It's not allowed to abduct others' pets!"

Secchin: "I didn’t mean to!"

Hyo-chan: "It's because you're so clumsy Secchin~"


Secchin: "Izumin you always were fast to tell on others to the teachers"

Fusshimi: "He was the perfect class chairman"

Chief: "And now this class chairman looks like a delinquent"

Izumin: "Shut up"


Izumi: (On their way, they fell and got hurt, and even when it got dark and they quarreled, the six of them kept moving forward)

Secchin: "Sob, sob…"

Taicchan: "You're not bleeding anymore so stop crying!"

Chief: "Uuh…"

Fusshi: "Why are you crying too Chief, even though it was Secchin who fell'

Izumin: "Let's just go back home. It's gotten dark"

Taicchan: "We can't go back after coming so far!"

Izumin: "But, what if, Secchin's injury gets worse, and he can't walk anymore…"

Secchin: "Eeeeh!?"

Chief: "Uwaah, Secchin is going to die!"

Hyo-chan: "Ahaha, no way, you can't die from something like that~"

Taicchan: "Forget about it, let's move! Fusshi, look at the map in your phone. Which turn is next?

Fusshi: "…right"

Izumi: (The six friends are looking for the dog's owners by foot, while relaying on Fusshi, the only one who has a smarthphone)


Secchin: "And, what happened in the end?"

Hyo-chan: "We were able to find the place and return the dog right"

Chief: "And then, our parents came to get us and we got scolded"

Fusshi: "That sure is nostalgic"

Izumin: "I don't really remember that part"

Taicchan: "Since then, we started hanging out together right~"

Izumi: (With a feeling of nostalgia, they were reminiscing enthusiastically but--)

Security guard: "—oi, is there someone over there?"

Chief: "—"

Secchin: "This is bad—"

Hyo-chan: "It's the guard"

Fusshi: "Let's make a run for it"

Taicchan: "Hurry up!"

Izumin: "As I thought, when I'm with you guys nothing but bad things happen!"

Izumi: (The security guard approached, and the six of them ran away in a hurry…)



Izumi: (So far comedy plays were a challenge for the Autumn Troupe but… it's a big success, that's great!)

Izumi: (And now to their band live performance--)


Banri: 'Sup.

Spectator A: Eh, all of them are holding instruments! Did the Autumn Troupe prepare a live!?

Spectator B: Woah~! It fits them so well!

Banri: Then, listen to our music.

Omi: …one, two, three, four!

Izumi: (The atmosphere is completely different from the one in the original story! It's a wild and cool performance, fitting for Autumn Troupe…!)

Spectator A: Banri-kun is singing too well…

Spectator B: Juza-kun so cool~!

Izumi: (Banri-kun is stable as usual! The way he supports the others is perfect too)

Izumi: (Juza-kun struggled, but now he's perfectly synced with the others)

Spectator D: Ohhhh! Sakyo-san and Omi-san are seriously so cool…!

Izumi: (Sakyo-san and Omi-kun are in perfect sync! Their performance is very stable too)

Spectator B: Azami-kun look over here~!

Spectator C: Taichi-kun looks like he's having fun, I'm naturally moving to the rhythm!

Izumi: (Azami-kun and Taichi-kun are doing amazing too! The audience can also tell they're having fun)


Izumi: (Overall they managed to perfect it a lot, it's amazing! Guys, the results of your practice are showing)

Izumi: (And the energies here are crazy! It's as if we're in a live music club!)


Banri: Thanks for coming today. From now on too--.

Autumn Troupe: Support us Autumn Troupe!!

Next part >>

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