Monday, February 11, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 7/7

One Flower, One Emotion

Part 7

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Tsumugi as Chris, Banri as Ivan, Tenma as Inoue, Sakuya as Rick

Izumi: We're supposed to be having a closing party for the anniversary performances but… nothing is ready. Did the manager skip out on his work… 

Izumi: Maybe I'll prepare something simple before everyone returns. 

???: ~

Izumi: …? This is… the BGM that plays whenever Chris sings in Le Fantôme de l'Opér. 

Izumi: Where is it coming from…? 


Chris: … 

Izumi: Ah… Tsumugi-san? 

Izumi: (When did he get back? More importantly why is he wearing his Chris costume…?) 

Chris: "Good evening, lovely lady. It is unfortunate, but I must go to the theater" 

Chris: "—then, we shall meet again" 

Izumi: Ah, wait… 

Ivan: "—look out!" 

Izumi: Eh!? This time it's you Banri-kun!? 

Ivan: "Hanging out here so defenseless even though it's night time… you wanna be eaten by an undead!?" 

Izumi: "Eh!?" 

Ivan: "Whatever, just follow me!" 

Izumi: W-Wait just a moment--! 


Ivan: "I'll go take a look outside. You hide here… that is, if you don't want to get eaten" 

Izumi: …um… am I dreaming. 


Izumi: --! 

Izumi: (C-Can it be the undead…!? No, can’t be…) 

???: "Hey" 

Izumi: Gyaa--!! An undead!! 

???: "Who the hell is undead!?" 

Izumi: …e-eh!? Tenma-kun!? 

Inoue: "Huh? My name is Inoue" 

Inoue: "Why did you enter my home without permission. I'm going to a match right now so you get out too!" 

Izumi: Eh…? Your home you say, but here is— 

Inoue: "No questions, here we go!"


Izumi: Say Tenma-kun… I mean Inoue-kun. What am I supposed to do now--. 

Izumi: E-Eh? He isn't here… What is going on? 

???: "Is something wrong?" 

Izumi: Sakuya-kun… or not, Rick!? 

Rick: "? Why do you know my name? C-Could it be! You are a magician--?" 

Izumi: Y-You're wrong…! Hmm, what should I do in this situation… 

Rick: "Um… are you troubled about something?" 

Izumi: Let's see… strange things keep happening one after the other like a storm… so I'm a bit confused… 

Rick: "I see now! Then, I'll take you to somewhere nice!" 

Izumi: Somewhere nice? 

Rick: "Yes! A wonderful place that is capable of creating magic" 


Izumi: MANKAI Theater… 

Izumi: Eh? Speaking of which Rick you… he isn't here. 

Izumi: I don’t know what’s going on anymore… let's just get inside for now. 


Izumi: (There's one seat with the spotlight on it… should I just sit there…?) 


Manager: --Welcome. 

Izumi: --Manager? 


Tsumugi: Fufu, it's a great success. 

Banri: Yup. I mean this much is a piece of cake. 

Tenma: It was worth preparing it all. 

Sakuya: Yeah! I'm glad we did it! 

Izumi: (They're high fiving each other… they look happy, but what exactly is…?) 


Manager: --Director, thank you so much for rebuilding MANKAI Company to its current state. 

Manager: For me, MANKAI Company is the greatest theater, capable of delivering smiles and deep emotions to all--. 

Manager: It gave me hopes and dreams… it is a magical place. 

Manager: Thanks to you Director, we were even able to hold an anniversary event like back in the day. 

Izumi: Manager… 

Manager: Today… I wanted to thank you, so I got all the leaders to cooperate, and we prepared this stage. 

Manager: Our feelings of gratitude, each one of us will send them to you in the form of a flower. –please accept them! 

Izumi: …Eh? 

Guy: I was just an android without emotions, but you gave me plenty of emotions, you gave me acting, and for that I'm grateful. 

Guy: Director, please take care of me from now on as well. 

Izumi: …thank you, Guy-san. 

Izumi: I'm happy that you grew to like acting—and that you're showing all kinds of emotions! 

Azuma: Director, you worked hard in our second year too. Thank you for everything. 

Azuma: Thanks to you Director, I found a precious treasure. I'll treasure it forever, so please look after me too. 

Izumi: Thank you very much, Azuma-san. Azuma-san's treasure is a treasure for me too! 

Homare: Thank you for all you have done, Director-kun. I shall present you with a gratitude filled poem--. 

Homare: Our dreaming, your energy… when they resonant it is destiny…! 

Homare: The sparkling you is MANKAI'S sanctuary!! Lalala, every day merci! 

Izumi: Fufu, your feelings really got across Homare-san! Thank you for the wonderful poem. 

Hisoka: So they got across… 

Hisoka: …Director, thank you for everything. Our naps together, the marshmallow cocoa you made for me--. 

Hisoka: Now I have many warm memories with you. I want to keep making new memories with Director and with the other members. 

Izumi: Yep, you're right, Hisoka-san. In our third year too, let's perform, and do many fun things—and make new memories with everyone! 

Tasuku: Director. Thank you for introducing me to a place where I can perform… and to guys I want to perform with. 

Tasuku: --performing is the greatest thing there is. I feel it strongly whenever I'm standing on top of this stage. Please let me perform here from now on too. 

Izumi: Thank you so much, Tasuku-san. I love the Tasuku-san the stands on MANKAI Theater's stage the most! 

Tsumugi: The blooming flowers in our garden, speaking about silly things with the others, performing with Winter Troupe, looking at Director's smile--. 

Tsumugi: Every single one of these fills me with happiness. Thank you so much for these irreplaceable days, Director. 

Izumi: Same here, thank you Tsumugi-san. Tsumugi-san's acting and flowers, they fill me with happiness. 

Azami: That woman is crazy, for accepting the runaway son of a yakuza… is what I thought but--. 

Azami: I think that everyone and myself included were saved by this personality of yours. I'm going to do my best, as a makeup artist of course… and also as an actor. 

Azami: So… I'm in your care from here on too. 

Izumi: Fufu, I'll make you fall in love with acting even more, just watch! Thank you for always helping with the makeup, Azami-kun. I'm expecting things from you from now on too! 

Sakyo: Including what happened with my group, so many things happened in our second year… we didn’t have the leisure to get emotional but--. 

Sakyo: The second year is just the beginning. We're going way higher, Director-san. …I am not the only who thinks this way right? 

Izumi: Obviously! I believe we can climb way higher. Sakyo-san, let's do our best from here on too! 

Omi: Director, thank you for everything you did in the second year too. From now on as an actor, and as the Company's cook… 

Omi: I'll keep devoting myself to the company, it's my happiness. Please let me take pictures of everyone's smiles in our third year too. 

Izumi: Thank you, Omi-kun. Let's not stop at smiles, and include also angry faces and crying faces, let's not miss on any opportunity to record our memories. 

Taichi: Director-sensei! Thank you so so much for making my dream of playing as a lead role come true! 

Taichi: But I'm a glutton, so I want to climb even higher! Please take care of me as I keep evolving! 

Izumi: Thank you. You can get so much bigger as you're now, Taichi-kun! Next time, I'm sure I'll see you standing proud as the lead role. 

Juza: I was able to make comrades here, and acting is fun. I'm very grateful to you Director… it's impossible to describe just how much. 

Juza: I'm still clumsy and my acting is still inexperienced but… step by step, I'll keep slowly moving forward. So please watch me, Director. 

Izumi: Juza-kun… Thank you. Yeah, I'm watching you closely—so keep on acting with everyone. 

Banri: Thank you for everything, Director-chan. I joined a theater company, enrolled into university—so much new things to realize. 

Banri: To be frank, I've got many things I'm frustrated about but… more than that I'm having fun, or like, I'm feeling complete? 

Banri: I'll show my fine acting in our third year too, so please take care of me. Director-chan. 

Izumi: …Banri-kun, you're becoming more and more reliable. Please keep learning many new things, and show me lots of your acting. 

Kumon: Director! Since I've joined the Company, every day is so much fun, I… I…! 

Muku: Kyu-chan, relax…! 

Kumon: --Hyodo Kumon of the Summer Troupe! I will not lose to myself anymore! Here I swear that I'll continue to laugh with my friends and stand on the stage! 

Kumon: Director, please watch me as I keep pitching with everything I've got in the Summer Troupe! Please take care of me!

Izumi: Kumon-kun… because Kumon-kun overcame so many things and joined the Summer Troupe, the Summer Troupe became stronger and stronger. Thank you. 

Kazunari: Director-chan, thanks for everything~! I love your cute smile, and your strength to support us! 

Masumi: --this guy! 

Tsuzuru: Masumi! You'll get your turn too! Ah~ Miyoshi-san, please continue! 

Kazunari: Because everyone likes you, loves you, and believes in you we can give our best shot. 

Kazunari: So Director-chan, you can be selfish sometimes too. 

Izumi: Kazunari-kun… thank you. Then, can we have a curry week starting tomorrow? 

Tenma: Huh!? 

Izumi: Fufu, I'm just joking. 

Yuki: You were totally serious. 

Kazunari: Ahaha! I like how you never weaver too! 

Misumi: Next is my turn~! Along with this flower, I'll give you this big Triangle-kun! 

Izumi: Woah! Such a huge stuffed doll…! 

Misumi: You see, I was able to find sooo many precious triangles here. Thanks to Director-san. Thank you. 

Izumi: Misumi-kun, thank you! Let's continue looking for wonderful triangles together! 

Muku: This year has passed by so fast… It was very fun. Thank you so much, Director-san. 

Muku: I don't know if I got any closer to the ideal prince… I'll believe in myself and do my best with the Summer Troupe! 

Izumi: Muku-kun, thank you. I certainly think that you're getting closer. Let's do our best from now on too. 

Yuki: Making costumes, acting… the second year was also very fulfilling. …thanks, Director. 

Yuki: My costumes and acting still have much more room for growth. I'm not satisfied with the current state, so keep your expectations up for the third year too. 

Izumi: Thank you! Of course I believe that you'll show me even more wonderful things. 

Izumi: I want you to keep showing me your costumes and acting. 

Tenma: The second year flew by so fast… With Kumon joining, I think both our liveliness and power have increased. 

Tenma: As an actor, I'm still aiming for even greater heights. I'll polish my skills, and keep striving. 

Tenma: Summer Troupe will fire things up in our third year too, so keep up with us. 

Izumi: Thank you. From now on, show me more sides of Tenma-kun and the Summer Troupe. Let's continue to aim for the highest of places together. 

Chikage: I have a seed here. I'm going to cover it with this handkerchief… Director-san, try removing it. 

Izumi: --Woah, it's changed into a flower! Amazing! 

Chikage: Until just a while ago, I never thought I would possibly perform such a snobby magic in order to make someone happy. 

Chikage: …I'm happy I've returned to this "home" with you. Thank you, Director-san. 

Izumi: Chikage-san… thank you so much. I'm also happy I was able to come back here "together with Chikage-san".

Citron: Director, now that I've started walking on a new road, I'll work even harder. Take care of me. 

Banri: Oh, it was normal surprisingly? 

Citron: I own a debt of seafood! 

Tasuku: It's the usual Citron. 

Tsumugi: Umm, I owe you a debt of gratitude, I believe…? 

Izumi: Ahaha, Citron-kun, thank you! I'm happy to be able to walk together with you on your new road! 

Itaru: I've had some hard times, but I also had many good experiences. …I was able to see lots of Director-san's smiles too. 

Itaru: I can't believe it's the second anniversary… thank you, Director-san. Let's play thrilling new games together again. 

Izumi: Thank you very much, Itaru-san. I want to go on adventures with you again and again. 

Tsuzuru: In our second year I wrote so many plays, acted, it was so much fun. In this one year, even more precious stories grew inside me… 

Tsuzuru: And the only one who can make them reach others, is without doubt you, Director. I'll keep doing my best, so take care of me .

Izumi: Thank you. I'm looking forward to see the worlds you create with your stories every performance more than anyone! 

Masumi: …Director. It's just one flower, but I put so, so many of my love in it. 

Masumi: I want to be together with you forever. So marry--. 

Tsuzuru: It's not the time to be proposing here! 

Izumi: T-Thank you, Masumi-kun. 

Izumi: Many things have happened but… thank you for treasuring acting and your family. 

Sakuya: …Director! 

Izumi: Sakuya-kun--. 

Sakuya: Thank you so, so much for the past two years! 

Sakuya: Because you're here Director, I am able to make smiles bloom when I'm on stage. 

Sakuya: Because Director watches over us closer than anyone, and waits for us at the wing of the stage… 

Sakuya: …from now on, make us bloom to the fullest! 

Izumi: --. 

Izumi: --of course! Guys, take care of me from now on too!

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