Saturday, January 26, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 3/7

The Reborn Autumn Troupe's 2nd Anniversary Play

Characters appearing:

Banri: Then, like we decided the other day, the original story is going to be about a class reunion right.

Taichi: No objections!

Omi: Seems like we'll be able to show a new side of Autumn Troupe.

Juza: Right.

Banri: But like, isn't it kinda impossible for all of us to play characters of the same age.

Azami: It's impossible for just one person really.

Sakyo: You guys…

Sakyo: Well leaving aside our ages, what are we going to do about the comedy.

Taichi: Class reunion and comedy huh…

Juza: In the first place, what do you even talk about in a class reunion?

Banri: Someone here who's been to a class reunion~?

Autumn troupe: ……

Banri: Not a single person huh.

Juza: You're the same as us aren't you.

Banri: Shut your trap.

Omi: You haven't been to one either Taichi? That's surprising.

Taichi: The truth is, I had a chance to go once, but then I caught a cold so…

Sakyo: Someone of the Company members who might've been in a class reunion…

Autumn Troupe: ……

Azami: They all look like they have nothing to do with it.

Omi: The same goes for us though.

Taichi: Ah, what about Tsumugi-san!?

Sakyo: Indeed Tsukioka looks like the type to participate in those sincerely.

Banri: Ah, he said he'll be out all day today because of work and a friend's performance.

Azami: Then Tasuku-san. Doesn't he look like the type who would complain about it but go anyway?

Omi: Seems like he went to a rehearsal for a guest appearance in a play. He said he doesn’t need dinner, so he'll probably get home late…

Juza: What about Kazunari-san--.

Banri: Speaking of which, he said he went to a fopa for his high school class reunion.

Azami: "Fopa"?

Taichi: Can it be foam party!? It's an event where you dance while being sprayed with foam right!

Sakyo: What kind of a class reunion is that! Geez, any other ideas--.

Taichi: Ah, how about Director-sensei?


Sakyo: --and that's why we're here. You know something about class reunions?

Izumi: Hmmm. I guess you just reminisce about things that happened back in class while drinking.

Banri: For example?

Izumi: After all… the most exciting topic has to be love!

Taichi: Oh~! I hear you, love stories!

Azami: L-Love!? It's not something to talk about so casually while drinking!

Izumi: No no, you can talk about it precisely because you're drinking.

Izumi: Stuff like saying "the truth is I used to like you back then", or finding out you liked the same person as someone else!

Taichi: And then a new love blooms from that!?

Izumi: Exactly!


Juza: Not good, I can't picture it at all.

Banri: Well, it really has nothing to do with us.

Omi: Yeah, unfortunately.

Izumi: Um… sorry I couldn't be of any help.

Azami: Huh… shouldn’t we just try a street act. Rather than using our heads, we might get ideas by moving our bodies.

Sakyo: That is true. That's not a bad idea.

Banri: Alright then, to Veludo Way we go.


Banri: "Ugh, so that's it…"

Juza: "Don't give up, we—"

Juza: "We still didn't get the reward from them"

Banri: "It's not the time to be saying that! We've been betrayed!"

Juza: "--they're coming!"

Banri: "We have no choice, leave it to me!"

Banri: "—Ha!"



Juza: --hm?

Child: …w-waaah!

Juza: !?

Taichi: H-He started crying…!

Sakyo: It can't be helped…

Azami: Oi, you don't really intend to sooth him right!? He's going to cry even more!

Sakyo: I used to babysit you, so this much is nothing.

Taichi: Sakyo-nii you must not act rashly…!

Sakyo: …tch.

Banri: Ah~, don't cry. We'll show you something cool.

Banri: Hey Hyodo, we're doing the battle scene.

Juza: Yeah.

Banri: Here I go--.

Banri: --Hah!

Juza: Ha!

Taichi: They did it! The sure to win double play of Ban-chan and Juza-san!

Juza: Oi, how did you like that--.

Child: A quarrel is scary! Waaah!

Azami: It had the opposite effect.

Omi: Theeere, don't cry~. Those boys weren't fighting, it's alright~.

Child: Waaan! You're big, I'm scared~!

Taichi: W-What to do… ah!

Taichi: "J-Ju-chan is being a bully again! Ban-chan is about to cry!"

Banri: Huh?

Juza: Aah?

Taichi: --don't question, just continue! Follow my lead!

Taichi: "Ban-chan are you okay? It didn’t hurt?"

Banri: "…w-waaah! I was holding it until now, but Hyodo's kick really hurt~!"

Juza: "I-It's your fault for having such a weird fox face!"

Banri: Aah!? You bastard, now you're just insulting me--.

Child: …are you alright?

Banri: …y-yeah, I'm fine.

Child: Mister, you shouldn't bully others!

Juza: Ah, no I…

Taichi: Juza-san is being scolded…

Sakyo: --pff.

Omi: Sakyo-san, your shoulders are shaking.

Azami: Omi-san you’re making a weird face too.

Child: You must not bully others anymore!

Juza: I-I'm sorry…

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