
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 4/7

The Reborn Autumn Troupe's 2nd Anniversary Play

Part 3 Autumn / Part 4 Autumn / Part 5 Autumn / Part 6 Autumn

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Taichi: Ahaha, that street act was so funny~!

Azami: A true masterpiece. It was the best.

Omi: To think Banri would end up as a bullied child.

Juza: It's the opposite from usual.

Banri: Aaah!? I'm not bullying anyone!

Sakyo: …it might be a good idea to aim for the gap from our usual fierce looks like we did earlier.

Juza: A gap huh…?

Sakyo: It's the once in a year anniversary performance. It's a good opportunity to challenge things we will never do otherwise. It will expand the range of our acting too.

Banri: I see. Then, let's put our all into breaking our shells.

Omi: I have a suggestion… what do you think about us playing the roles of elementary school boys for the flashback scenes?

Azami: Playing elementary school kids with this appearance, isn’t is way too difficult?

Sakyo: No, if we're aiming for creating a gap, we better be as bold as that.

Banri: Well, the street act from earlier was funny, I guess it's cool.

Taichi: What about the roles?

Juza: How about… characters who are the complete opposite of our usual personalities, or something like that?

Omi: Sounds interesting.

Banri: Which means, Hyodo is someone smart who likes spicy food.

Azami: This just sounds like some Chikage-san I know.

Juza: Then Settsu is someone with a short, black hair—so Tasuku-san.

Banri: We're not talking about hairstyles now!

Taichi: Okay I got it!

Taichi: Omi-kun is always kind so he'll be a tsundere, Sakyo-nii is always angry so he'll be a crybaby!

Sakyo: Oi, what do you mean by always angry.

Taichi: And then, Ban-chan can do anything so he'll be the clumsy kid, and Juza-san is always serious so he'll be the frivolous one.

Taichi: And finally, Aa-chan is the class chairman! How does it sound?

Barni: I mean, it is precisely the opposite.

Azami: I can't believe you came up with it so easily…

Taichi: Ehehe. I know all of you veeery well.

Taichi: After all, I love everyone from Autumn Troupe!

Sakyo: …I see.

Omi: Haha, thank you.

Banri: Awright. Now that we decided on the roles, we need to think about the settings.

Taichi: Memories from elementary school huh~…

Juza: Can't think of any off the top of my head.

Azami: …what about running away from home?

Banri: Speaking of which, Azami is a professional.

Omi: He ran away from home twice after all.

Azami: Shut it.

Azami: More like, everyone here has run away from home.

Juza: Is that true?

Sakyo: First time I'm hearing of it.

Azami: Huh? You didn't know?

Juza: We never talked about this kinda topic.

Taichi: Alright! Then let's open a "memories of runaways" meeting right now!


Banri: Aah, I became so hungry now.

Omi: Should I make something light to eat?

Sakyo: We've pretty much decided on our course of action for the performance. It's time we start practicing the revue too.

Azami: …wait, are we really going for the band?

Sakyo: In comedy plays, it's important to match our feelings. It'll come across well in a musical performance, so I think it's good.

Banri: Then, our revue is officially a band performance.

Manager: Ah! Great timing! Have some sweets~.

Juza: Thanks.

Sakyo: You're unusually thoughtful Matsukawa.

Manager: Not at all~. Then I'll be making my leave~ ♪

Juza: Hm? What's that. …it's for Settsu.

Banri: Huh? For me?

Juza: There was a letter in the candy box. Here you go.

Banri: What is a letter doing here…

Banri: --.

Sakyo: What's wrong?

Banri: …this.

Azami: Heh, nice.

Omi: That's a sophisticated act.

Sakyo: Well, I guess I can acknowledge it this time.

Taichi: But Ban-chan, isn't it going to be tough with both the performance and the band?

Banri: Huh? This much is a piece of cake. Leave it to me.

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