Thursday, April 5, 2018

SSR Tsuzuru Backstage MANKAI Birthday Translation Part 3/3

Along with Handmade Sandwiches

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Kaoru

Tsuzuru: Director, this is the fourth son of our family, Kaoru.

Kaoru: Nice to meet you. I'm Minagi Kaoru. Thank you for always taking care of my brother.

Izumi: (He's really mature… as expected from Tsuzuru's little brother)

Kaoru: Since a while ago, I've been really looking forward to meet you Director.

Izumi: Fufu, me too. Let's have a good time today, Kaoru-kun.

Kaoru: The sandwiches Director made for us are delicious after all!

Tsuzuru: So much that they caused my brothers to vie for them. You guys, when it comes to food you really show some terrifying power…

Izumi: Ahaha, if you liked them that much then I'm happy. If you just tell me I'll make them for you again.

Kaoru: Really… choughs!?

Izumi: Kaoru-kun!? Are you okay!?

Kaoru: I-I'm fine. I just choked a little…

Tsuzuru: It's because you're devouring them in such a hurry. Today no one will steal them from you so you can eat calmly okay.

Izumi: For now, we should get something to drink… wait, eh?

Izumi: …the vacuum flask with the tea, I forgot it at the dorms…

Tsuzuru: Then I'll go and buy something. Can you wait with Kaoru?

Izumi: No, I'll go! I'm the one who forgot it after all…

Tsuzur: It's all good. Please take your time to talk with Kaoru.

Kaoru: Director, please! There are so many things I want to talk about with you.

Izumi: Uuh… then if that's the case. Tsuzuru-kun, I'm leaving the drinks to you.

Tsuzuru: Yes!

Kaoru: …Director.

Izumi: Hm? What is it?

Kaoru: Um… I heard from my brother about the circumstances that led him to join your company.

Kaoru: Thank you for finding my brother.

Izumi: Eh…! No, I didn't do anything that deserves your thanks…

Kaoru: Don't say things like "I didn't do anything" okay? I'm sure my brother doesn't think it either.

Kaoru: …the truth is that when my brother Tsuzuru was in high school, he was forced to give up his acting dream because of us…

Izumi: Ah…

Izumi: (That, what Tsuzuru-kun said back when Spring Troupe had its first performance…)

Kaoru: …I still have regrets about what happened back then. Because when our youngest brother had a fever, all I could do was cling in tears to Tsuzuru.

Izumi: Kaoru-kun…

Kaoru: That's why, when I entered high school, I told my brother that the house is going to be alright, and that I want him to go after his dream.

Kaoru: Since I won't be a little brother that clings to his brother forever.

Izumi: Kaoru-kun you gave Tsuzuru-kun a push forward right.

Kaoru: Is that really the case…? But, if that's the case I would be happy!

Kaoru: And also, I wanted to thank you Director no matter what for making my brother a playwright…

Kaoru: Thank you very much, Director. And please, take care of my brother from now on too.

Izumi: Kaoru-kun…

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun is always saving us both as an actor and as a playwright, so I'm grateful to him.

Izumi: From now on too, I'll take good care of your brother.

Tsuzuru: I just bought whatever for drinks- wait, what are you doing, bowing you head to each other?

Kaoru: I just told her to take care of you from now on too Onii-chan.

Tsuzuru: …what's that supposed to mean. It's embarrassing to be talked about when I'm not present…


Tsuzuru: I'll take this luggage. Director you hold this lighter luggage here.

Izumi: Ah, thank you. Then, I'll take you up on that.

Kaoru: …Onii-chan and Director, it would be nice if you just get married.

Izumi: Eh!?

Tsuzuru: K-Kaoru! What are you saying suddenly…!

Kaoru: Since I've always thought that I want an older sister like Director…

Izumi: Kaoru-kun saying that makes me happy. I'm a single child, so I kind of look up to siblings.

Kaoru: If that's the case then by all means come to our place next time! We're waiting for you!

Tsuzuru: Hey Kaoru, if you get home late everyone will be worried.

Kaoru: You're right, it's already this late. Then, Onii-chan, Director. See you another time!


Tsuzuru: Director, thank you very much for today. Looked like Kaoru had fun, and I had fun too.

Izumi:Same here, thank you. Thanks to you two I had fun as well.

CHOICE 1: Kaoru-kun can tell some funny jokes

CHOICE 2: I was a bit surprised

Tsuzuru: I'm really sorry my brother said troubling things…

Izumi: It's alright, don't mind it.

Izumi: Rather, him telling me that he wants a sister like me is a honor.

Tsuzuru: I'm thankful for you saying that…

Tsuzuru: And, um… the rest of my little brothers besides Kaoru want to meet you too, if you like then sometime soon, please come to hang out in our place.

Izumi: Yup. When I come, I'll make sandwiches again.

Tsuzuru: Yes. The Minagi household is waiting for you Director!

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