Monday, April 2, 2018

SSR Sakoda April First Newbie Host Backstage Part 1/3

 Welcome to Club MANKAI!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Sakoda

Sakoda: Ahh… damn it…

Sakoda: (Losing in a fight… I'm so lame… I'm all tattered, I'm seriously just like trash….)

Sakoda: (…that's bad… my consciousness is…)


Sakoda: …?

Sakoda: The god of death…? No, this sparkling dazzle, and this voice that echoes in my chest… an angel?

???: Have you lost your mind… what about me made you think of an angel.

???: …you, you've got nowhere to go?

Sakoda: …yeah…

???: …then, wanna come to my place?

Sakoda: (He's inviting a stranger like me…? No, but this radiance…)

Sakoda: (It might be that fate thing…!! Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is!)

Sakoda: …!! (shakes shakes!)

???: Fu, that's some excitement you're nodding your head with. You, you're just like a dog.


Sakoda: Huh~~… it's sparkling… this place is…?

???: Club "MANKAI"…I was the No.1 of this club until recently.

Sakoda: N-Number one…?

: I'm Furuichi Sakyo. I've been the No.1 in this host club for many years but just recently I've retired, and became the manager here.

Sakoda: Host club!?

Sakyo: …there, it fits you, and this suit too. It used to be mine, but it's still usable right. I'll give it to you.

Sakoda: T-Thank you. But I, I don't have the right to take such a nice suit…

Sakyo: I did say I would give it to you, but it's not gonna be free. If you're a man, at least try to earn the suit fee on your own.

Sakoda: Eh?

Sakyo: …you, will aim to be the No.1 of this club.

Sakoda: Eh… Eeeeh--!?


Sakoda: (and that's how, my life as a host has suddenly started)

Sakoda: (I do want to work hard, in order to repay the debt for Aniki who picked me up but…)

Sakoda: I don't understand what kinda work a host does…

Sakyo: Relax. I won't give you a table so fast.

Sakyo: There're a few people here who wait for an opportunity to take the No.1 spot ever since I retired. Watch how they work, and learn about being a host.

Sakoda: Y-Yes!

Sakyo: Steal their techniques as much as you can. Just for today, I'll explain for you their ways of serving customers.

Sakoda: Yes! I'll be in your care!

Sakyo: First is that table.

Tsuzuru: Um… Um, today, thank you for coming to our… club.

Sakuya: Ehehe, meeting with all of you, makes me so happy!

Customer: The two of you are so cute! Nice to meet you!

Sakyo: Sakuma and Minagi. Both of them are still fresh, and Minagi is especially still awkward.

Sakyo: But there're customers who like newbie hosts, more than hosts who excel at handling women.

Sakoda: S-So that's how it is.

Sakyo: Minagi was originally a kitchen worker see. But he said he wanted to earn more for his family, so I scouted him.

He goes and says arrogant stuff, like how he wants his little brothers to eat delicious food…

Sakyo: Fu, his spirit just pierces through your eyes and heart…

Sakyo: Sakuma naturally charms people with his born brightness and freshness. For him the way he is… "that way he is", is perfect.

Sakyo: If I were to spell it for you, it's a perfectly coated model. You get it right.

Sakoda: Coated model… eh?

Sakuya: You've been to work today too? You did well! You're always doing your best, it's amazing!

Tsuzuru: You dislike pepper? Then, I'll teach you a way to cook it deliciously. Ah, I've got many brothers, so I'm pretty good at this kind of things.

Tsuzuru: Eh, is that okay if I ask for another bottle? Thank you very much! …ahaha, I'm so happy, somehow, my heart is thumping.

Customer: Huh~ so healing… your smiles… they're just like sunlight…

Sakyo: Let's keep on going. Next one is the table next to them.

Itaru: I've been waiting for you. I missed you.

Itaru: Did you miss me too? If that's the case, that would make me happy… how about it?

Itaru: …are you blushing? How cute.

Customer: Kyaa…!

Sakyo: Chigasaki is the No.1 fisherman in MANKAI. He's making a good use of his good looking face here as much as possible.

Sakyo: Look, his casual upturned eyes, smile, his suggestive language… he's ready to fish some customers.

Sakyo: That guy uses all the money he earns on his gaming hobby… he would do whatever it takes…

Sakyo: On the other hand the guy next to him is the complete opposite.

Masumi: Ha? …do whatever you want. If you want to order another glass, just go ahead and do that.

Masumi: I'm just doing it because it's work. I don't really care about you. You still got something to say?

Customer: Aah, he's cool today too…! This coldness is too much to bear…!

Sakyo: Usui doesn't flatter even slightly the customers with his salty interactions. But it's well received by customers with masochistic tendencies.

Sakoda: T-There sure are all kinda customers…

Citron: This, I know it! Candy for the cat meow!

Customer: Ahaha, geez, Citron~! It’s coin for the cat!

Citron: Oh!? That's it! Japanese is very difficult~.

Customer: So cute~~! It's so healing~~!

Sakyo: That's also a strategy. He uses the character of a foreigner with poor Japanese, but in secretly he's fluent you see.

Sakyo: Today he even muttered something like "A performance that would make your heart throb in laughter like a refreshing gust of wind while at the same time still being an airhead"

Sakoda: Eeeeh!?

Chikage: That's great. I wondered if I could meet you today.

Customer: Y-Yes!

Chikage: Let's take it slowly over there. …your secrets, tell them only to me alright?

Sakoda: A-And that person? What technique is he using?

Sakyo: …

Sakoda: U-Um…?

Sakyo: …I can't tell you the details but… he needs quite the special surveillance. Anyway make sure not to get too close to him.

Sakoda: …!?

Sakoda: (G-Gulp… seems like it's better if I follow Aniki Sakyo's warning…)

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