Saturday, April 21, 2018

SR Omi Backstage Provocation of a Bitter Enemy Part 2/2

Challenging Zombie Food

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing:


Omi: Alright, that's about it I guess…

Omi: I've simply added boiled eggs to this minestrone, and yet it sure became something amazing.

Taichi: G-Good morning…

Omi: Yeah, good morning, Taichi.

Taichi: Huh… today you're acting as normal right.

Omi: Normal?

Taichi: Yesterday night, when Omi-kun was sharpening the knife, it was super scary.

Omi: If it's knife sharpening I'm always doing it you know.

Taichi: It's not something to do so late at night!

Omi: Just when I finished the preparations and cleaned up I noticed it, see. Seems like I've scared you, I'm sorry about that.

Izumi: Ah, Omi-kun, can I have you for a moment.

Omi: Hm?

Izumi: We received some packages earlier and they're pretty heavy. Can you give me a hand?

Omi: Yeah, I've just finished here too.

Izumi: Thank you!

Omi: Taichi, can you watch the pot for a little bit?

Taichi: OK~.

Taichi: Hm~ smells great. The minestrone looks delicio…us?

Taichi: !! T-This is an eyeballs filled minestrone… nay, bloodystrone…!

Taichi: Omi-kun, then he made zombie food to match the upcoming performance huh…?

Taichi: If that's the case, it might be better if it's even redder~.

Taichi: I'll add this red spice, and… hmhmhmh~m  ♪ It became all nice and red~.


Omi: Guys, breakfast is ready.

Juza: I'm hungry.

Muku: Thank you for the food… eh!?

Izumi: There are eyeballs inside…

Yuki: What the heck is that…

Banri: I did say it's okay if it's only one dish, but actually seeing it here is repulsive.

Omi: Haha, well it tastes just like any normal minestrone, so for starters try drinking it.

Yuki: If you ignore the eyeballs, it really might be normal…

Muku: Y-Yeah, you're right.

Juza: --ugh.

Yuki: Uuh…

Banri: Uuh, this is…

Izumi: G-Guys, are you alright!?

Omi: What happened…?

Taichi: They're fainting in agony one after the other…! To think the bloodystrone had such an effect…

Izumi: B-Bloodystrone…?

Muku: Wa, uh…

Izumi: Do you really turn into a zombie if you eat zombie food…!?

Omi: That's impossible…

Chikage: Morning. What's all the noise about?

Izumi: Ah, Chikage-san! Everyone has become like this after they drank from Omi-kun's minestrone…!

Omi: I don't think I added anything weird but…

Chikage: Heh?

Chikage: --.

Taichi: Ah, Chikage-san, you better not drink it--!


Izumi: Are you okay!?

Chikage: It tastes great. Did you add my spice?

Izumi: !!

Izumi: Which means, can it be that everyone is just moaning because it's too spicy…?

Uh, W-Wa…

Izumi: Wa, water?

Omi: But, I don't recall ever adding Chikage-san's spice…

Banri: Ugh…

Chikage: If you don't hurry and give them water, they'll turn into zombies.

Izumi: Aah! Guys, wait just a bit okay!

Omi: Let's hurry!

Taichi: Woah, that red spice… it was Chikage-san's spice!? I haven't noticed and added tons of it…!

Banri: Ugh… Taichi, so it was you…

Muku: H-How… mean…

Yuki: Take… responsibility…

Taichi: Y-You're scaring me!! Omi-kun, save me!!

Omi: Wait just a moment. I'll give you water right away.

Juza: Ta… ichi…

Banri: I'll give you… the same…

Taichi: Please hurry up!! A whole herd! A whole herd of zombies is--!!!

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