Saturday, April 21, 2018

SR Omi Backstage Provocation of a Bitter Enemy Part 1/2

Challenging Zombie Food

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing:

Others: Azami

Izumi: Alright, that's it for today then. Good job guys.

Banri: Nice work.

Taichi: Good job!

Juza: I'm hungry…

Sakyo: Phew.

Azami: I sweated a lot. I wanna take a bath.

Izumi: (Alright, then I'll close up here…)

Banri: I closed this window here.

Izumi: Thank you, Banri-kun.

Omi: My bad. Director, Banri, do you have a minute. There is something I want to discuss with you.

Banri: Discuss?

Izumi: What happened.

Omi: I've been thinking about ways to get into character see…

Izumi: I think you're doing well for now.

Banri: You've got a hang of it much better than in the beginning.

Omi: Yeah, and I wondered if there was something I could do besides the practice in order to get an even better understanding.

Izumi: Outside of practice, huh…. hmm.

Banri: Like something you're familiar with you can relate to your normal daily life?

Izumi: Speaking about familiar….

CHOICE 1: Cooking?

CHOICE 2: Bikes?

Banri: Then, how about zombie food? Personally it's not something I wanna eat, but I do see it being discussed on social media.

Omi: Zombie food?

Banri: Kinda like this.

Izumi: W-Woah… this thing, is it even edible?

Omi: Its appearance sure leaves an impact…

Banri: But then again, in the end the zombies in the script we have, eat stuff like this right? It's just perfect for trying to grasp the role.

Izumi: True…

Omi: Maybe I'll give it a try…

Izumi: If it's Omi-kun, I'm sure you can make it delicious, but if I see such dishes lining on the dining table, I'm going to lose my appetite…

Banri: I can't tolerate all of dinner being like that. If it's just one dish it's fine though. The others might actually like it too.

Omi: Haha, got it. I'll give it a try tomorrow.


Taichi: Yawns. Gotta go to bed soon~.

Taichi: Eh, speaking of which, Omi-kun hasn't been back in a while. I wonder what's up with him.

Taichi: From time to time in the night, he's making preparations for tomorrow in the kitchen, I wonder if he's there…

Taichi: I'll go peek on him.


Taichi: (Woah, somehow it's really quiet~. I wonder if everyone is already sleeping)

Taichi: Uuh… because of the upcoming performance, I feel a bit scared at night.


Taichi: Eep!?

Taichi: W, W-W-What was that sound!?


Taichi: Uwaahh, Omi-kun, where are youuu!



Omi: …..

Taichi: Omi-kun, there you are…! You know, just now, there was a weird sound…

Omi: ……


Taichi: Wait, so that was it. It was the sound of Omi-kun sharpening the knife~. I was so scared.

Omi: …. *sharpens*

Taichi: Y-You're Omi-kun right…?

Omi: ….


Taichi: O-Omi-kun!!

Omi: ?

Omi: Ah, it's you Taichi. I was sharpening the knife so I didn't notice you.

Taichi: I-I see. Somehow there was a weird air about you so--.

Omi: With this I think its sharpness became real good but…

Omi: Maybe I should test it. Right, Taichi…

Taichi: …!! I'm going to get murdered---!!!

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