Saturday, February 10, 2018

SR Juza Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 2/2

A Clumsy Delinquent

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: I wonder where the lemon herb is…

Izumi: Can it be in that can? Homare-san, why did you put it in such a high place…!

Izumi: Hmm, I wonder if I can reach it if I stand on tiptoes… j-just a bit more…!

Juza: …you tried to reach for this one, right.

Izumi: Juza-kun!?

Izumi: (He suddenly talked right behind me so I got startled…!)

Juza: Was it something else?

Izumi: N-No. This is the one I wanted. Thank you.

Izumi: (Anyway, he's really close…!)

Juza: …I already told you in the noon but, you should just ask for help if you need it.

Izumi: Eh?

Juza: If you force yourself to get it and it falls on you head, you'll get hurt. Take care of yourself.

Izumi: Uh… sorry. You're right.

Izumi: (Juza-kun is way more reliable than me…)

Juza: ……

Izumi: Juza-kun?

Juza: …my bad.

Izumi: Eh? Why are you apologizing?

Juza: No… it's not like I wanted to scare you Director.

Juza: Sorry for calling you out on every single thing.

Izumi: No no, it's not like I was scared of you Juza-kun! I just thought that even though you're younger than me you're more dependable.

Izumi: And also, everything you said is correct Juza-kun. That's why, is it fine if next time I call you?

Juza: --.

Juza: …I see. So, you're not afraid of me.

Izumi: Yeah. I've never thought of you as scary Juza-kun.

Juza: …from now on, you can depend on me.

CHOICE 1: You're so kind

CHOICE 2: I'll be counting on you.


Kazunari: Hm? Director-chan, going somewhere?

Izumi: Yeah, I'm going shopping.

Homare: In that case I would like you to buy a few types of tea leaves for me.

Azuma: If possible, can I ask for black tea as well?

Taichi: I got hungry, so I want you to buy takoyaki for me~!

Misumi: I want, triangular onigiri~. Lunch, wasn't enough for me~.

Izumi: With this many things to buy, I won't be able to carry them alone! Geez… ah, I know.

Izumi: Juza-kun! Can you help me with the shopping?

Juza: …'kay.

Banri: Huh?

Izumi: Thanks. Then, let's go.

Juza: …yeah.

Taichi: J-Juza-san is so honest…!

Kazunari: Director-chan, when did you get so friendly with Hyodol!?

Izumi: I'm not telling selfish people like you. Then, we're going!

Kazunari: N-No way…! Director-chan!!

Banri: Hyodo isn't acting like himself…

Taichi: Alright! I'm curious, so I'll tag along as another helper!

Kazunari: Ah, wait Taicchan! Me too me too!

Banri: …I'll go too.

Homare: Hm, it seems like the shopping is going to be lively.

Azuma: Or rather, for Director, isn't it the same as going for a walk with some beasts?

Homare: A walk with the beasts… what an inspiring expression.

Azuma: Fufu. Being young, looks so fun it's making me jealous.

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