Wednesday, February 7, 2018

R Omi Backstage Organized Flower Banquet Translation Part 2/2

A Tipsy Flower-Viewing Drink

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Citron: Then next, I'm going to do an imitation of sleepy Sakuya!

Sakuya: Eh, Citron-san!?

Itaru: The students are getting excited too huh.

Izumi: Now it really feels like a flower viewing party.

Sakyo: Listen here, your acting is yada-yada… your team work is not bad, but blah blah…

Azuma: Yup yup, you're right. Here, I'll pour some more for you, Sakyo-kun.

Tasuku: Sakyo-san, he's really tipsy…

Homare: As long as he has fun.

Omi: Haha, Sakyo-san, even when he's drunk he lectures like usual.

Homare: Oya, Omi-kun, seems like you have not drunk much.

Omi: Ah, that's not true. It's very good.

Tsumugi: Homare-san's wine is delicious right.

Homare: You are right indeed! It is just obvious since it is my recommendation. If you have fancied this one, then you would surely also--.

Izumi: …Omi-kun can it be, you can't handle alcohol?

Omi: Eh?

Izumi: Seems like you're not really drinking your share, if you don't like it you don't have to force yourself…

Omi: Ah, no, it's not like I hate it…

Izumi: ???

Omi: The truth is, the other day I drank quite an amount on a meeting of the university photography club, and got drunk.

Omi: It's embarrassing to admit, but I remember nothing about that day.

Izumi: It's a common thing to happen when alcohol is involved…

Omi: On top of it, the next time I went to the club, the friends I drank with haven't talked to me for a whole week.

Izumi: Eh!?

Omi: I learned about it afterwards but… how to put it… seems like my past personality has emerged.

Omi: Seems like I gave them quite the fright, so I thought that drinking too much isn't a good thing.

Izumi: Eeh! I might want to see it…!

Omi: Eh?

Izumi: Because I mean Omi-kun, you're always so calm, I've never seen that other part of yours.

Omi: No no, Director, stop. Or rather, you're drunk right.

Izumi: I'm not drunk! Here you go, drink, Omi-kun.

Omi: …geez.

Omi: If you want to see it so badly--.

Izumi: O-Omi-kun?

Izumi: (H-He's close…)

Omi: …if Director doesn't drink the same amount, it wouldn't be fair.

Izumi: Eeh!? You filled it to the brim!?

Omi: It's fine, I'll take responsibility and look after you.

Itaru: What is it? Looks like you're having fun.

Sakyo: You two, what are you whispering about.

Azuma: Here Omi, if it's alcohol you want I'll pour it for you.

Homare: I will pour for you as well! Here bring your glass forth.

Omi: Woah… please give me a break!

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