Thursday, February 8, 2018

SR Juza Backstage First AUTUMN Translation Part 2/2

Preparations for the Kickoff Party!
~Juza's Case~

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Banri: Here, it's our turn.

Juza: ….

Employee: Have you decided, sir?

Juza: ……aah?

Employee: Eep!

Banri: Like I told you, you're choosing too seriously!

Juza: …sorry.

Banri: Dude… so, you got anything to recommend?

Juza: Seems like the products here are new.

Banri: Gottcha. Then, let's go with this.

Banri: We'll also take the basic products and the popular ones. If we just take a few more from the others it's gonna be enough.


Banri: …alright, this much should be okay.

Juza: ….

Banri: Don't eat them.

Juza: …I know. I'm just looking.

Banri: Really now.

Juza: ….

Banri: …you're looking too much! Just how much do you want to eat 'em!

Juza: I didn't say anything right.

I can tell from your glare that you wanna eat them!

Juza: ….

Banri: …if you wanna eat them that much, then have a foretaste.

Juza: …is that okay?

Banri: We bought a bunch, so if you eat one they won't notice. Here.

Juza: Then… just one.

Banri: Sure sure, go ahead.

Juza: --it's good.

Geez… you're too serious when it comes to sweets. The employee got scared too.

Juza: …that's how I look, I can't help it.

Banri: Well, it was terrible in your first audition too, everyone were terrified of you.

Juza: ….

(So far I wasn't afraid, of someone being scared of me--. I thought I got used to being alone a long time ago)

Juza: (But, the real me… was different. I thought if i could become someone else on top of the stage, it would be enough)

Banri: --but then again, now no one is afraid of you, so you can relax.

Juza: …ah?

Banri: --. Like I said, someone like you isn't a big deal!

Juza: (I came to this theater, and finally found it. Something I can boast about--)

Juza: …acting, has changed me.

Banri: ….'s that so. Well, next time I don't feel like losing to you in acting at all though.

Juza: That's my line.

Banri: Hmph, say whatever you want.

Juza: …munch munch.

Banri: --hold it right there, just how many did you eat.

Juza: …ah.

Banri: I told you it's just a foretaste! Did you have time to eat this many while we were having this conversation!?

Juza: …it just happened.

Banri: It didn't just happen! You're going to buy the missing sweets with your own money!

Juza: I'm broke.

Banri: Huh!? Wait, don't add more to your debt with eating more!

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