
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Event Everyone's Old Year, New Year Translation Part 9/11

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Omi: Where did you last see it?

Citron: Yesterday, when I was at the dorms I had it. I always take it with me. But, earlier I noticed…

Omi: It's possible, that you dropped it when we etude battled.

Citron: …with so many people, it was surely stepped on and kicked, maybe it was washed away to the drainage…

Omi: It hasn't been that long since then. Don’t give up.


Citron: It's not here either…

Omi: Hmmm…

Omi: --hm?

Omi: Citron, your amulet, can it be this one?

Citron: That's it!

Omi: I see. That's great.

Citron: Omi, thank you! I own you!

Omi: That's unsettling. You meant owe you didn't you.

Omi: But, because you said you brought it from your homeland, I imagined an amulet that looked more like your outfit Citron… but I'm glad you didn't lose it.

Citron: …it's a precious amulet I received from someone.

Citron: Thank you, for finding it for me. You're my senior!

Omi: I think, that you meant savior.

Citron: That's it!

Omi: Alright, everyone is waiting, so let's hurry back.

Citron: Hurry hurry!


Omi: We're home.

Ciron: We're home~.

Juza: …ugh.

Masumi: …this much is fine right.

Yuki: Stretch your back more.

Azuma: Juza your expression is stiff. Think about the people watching as anmitsu.

Juza: Anmitsu…

Azuma: Right. That's good.

Omi: Haha, you're really at it.

Citron: Training already! Juza is all overwhelmed!

Omi: …well then, I have to start preparations for the year-end party… I'll also start preparing the Osechi while I'm at it.

Citron: I'll help too! I'll do anything as thanks for earlier!

Omi: That would be a great help.


Citron: Omi, that pot over here has boiled.

Omi: Please make the fire smaller.

Citron: It's starting to smell good~. I'm looking forward to Omi's Osechi!

Omi: For starters, if we make this much it's going to be enough right.

Citron: It's Osechi time for the first three days of the year!

Omi: It's a pity we can't eat it together.

Citron: It's the privilege of the dorms-sitting group!

Citron: Haha. Well once I get back home, I can finally see my brothers, that'll make up for it.


Omi: Speaking of which, do you have any siblings Citron?

Citron: …I have 3 younger brothers.

Omi: Heh. You have many brothers surprisingly. You said flight prices are high on New Year, but the truth is you want to see them don't you?

Citron: …most likely, they don't think this way.

Omi: Eh?

Citron: Nothing! Indeed, I too have someone I want to see back in my country.

Omi: I see. It would be nice if you can go visit off season.

Citron: …right.

Citron: Then, what should we do next?

Omi: This carrot, can you chop it into chunks?

Citron: Chunks are my specialty!

Citron: Citron's secret cutting technique--!

Omi: Oi oi--.

Citron: Ooh!? The carrot got smashed to pieces!

Omi: That's some refreshing cutting technique…

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