Friday, December 29, 2017

R Tsuzuru Backstage Honest Jiangshi Translation Part 1/2

An Invitation to a Chinese-Style Haunted House 

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: (Hmm, what to do…)

Tsuzuru: Director, you're making a complicated face. Are you troubled over something?

Izumi: Ah, Tsuzuru-kun! Great timing!

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, are you fine with haunted house attractions and the likes?

Tsuzuru: Well, it's not like I can't enter them. Did something happen with haunted houses?

Izumi: Yeah. The truth is, a friend from my previous theater group consulted with me about someone who can do a monster role for a limited time in a haunted house…

Tsuzuru: A monster role?

Izumi: Yup. But, there are people who can’t handle these kind of things right? That's why I was trying to think about someone who would be interested and who wouldn't be scared.

Tsuzuru: Ahh, I see. Thinking of it, people like Muku or Taichi would be definitely scared.

Izumi: Right?

Izumi: By the way the theme of the haunted house attraction is "Chinese", and the role is of a Jiangshi*.

Tsuzuru: Hehh! A Chinese style haunted house and a Jiangshi role, somehow it sounds interesting!

Izumi: If it's fine with you Tsuzuru-kun, how about you do it?

Tsuzuru: Fine by me. I'm interested in how it's going to be like, and seems like it'll be helpful.

Tsuzuru: On top of it, this month I had lots of expenses, I was thinking about taking up more part time jobs, so you asking me to do it is really helpful.

Izumi: That's great! Thank you for accepting it, Tsuzuru-kun!

Izumi: You're tall Tsuzuru-kun, if you become a Jiangshi you'll really leave an impact. I'll definitely go to see you in the haunted house!

Tsuzuru: Alright! Until then I'll completely get into the role, and make sure to scare you with everything I've got.

Izumi: Ahaha, I have great expectations!


Izumi: (It's been already one week, since Tsuzuru-kun has started to work in the haunted house…)

Izumi: (Seems like the reputation of Tsuzuru-kun's haunted house, is really good. I'm free today, so maybe I'll go)

Izumi: (But as expected I'm a bit scared to go alone, so I'll try looking for someone who would like to go together…)

*Jiangshi: A Chinese hopping vampire, a corpse-like monster that absorbs the life force of other living things... you can read more on Wikipedia if interested!

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