Saturday, December 16, 2017

R Juza Backstage Snowy Day Scarf Part 1/2

Sweet Merry Xmas! 

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Potatoes and, meat, curry spices… alright, I bought everything.

Izumi: (The menu for tonight is curry nabe! It will surely make everyone's hearts and bodies feel warmer)

Juza: …Director.

Eh Juza-kun. It's rare meeting you at such a place. Are you on your way back?

Juza: Yeah, I'm on my way back from work.

Izumi: Is that so. You're working hard!

Juza: Director you're back from shopping?

Izumi: Yup. For ingredients for today's dinner.

Izumi: Today we're having an exceptionally warm and yummy dinner, so look forward to it!

Juza: Yeah. Even so, you bought a lot… I'll carry some too.

Izumi: Is that alright? That's a great help! Then, can I ask you to take this?

No, the bag on the opposite side is heavier right. Give that one to me.

Izumi: Ah…. Sorry. Thank you.

Juza: 's nothing. This much isn't a big deal.

Izumi: The truth is I thought about going with a car, but I heard that it's going to snow starting the night, I thought it might be dangerous.

Juza: Snow huh…. no wonder I thought it was cold.

Izumi: Juza-kun, you're lightly dressed huh. Aren't you cold?

Juza: I'm fine…. Achoo!

Izumi: See, as soon as I said it! I'll give you my scarf, so use it okay?

Juza: No, but… if you do that Director will…

That's fine. If Juza-kun were to catch a cold, everyone will surely worry!

Juza: My bad, then I'll borrow it for a bit… ah.

Izumi: Right, thinking of which, your hands are full with the luggage. My bad my bad.

Izumi: Give it here? I'll wrap it for you!

Izumi: And with that we're done. How is it, is it too tight?

It's fine.

Izumi: Fufu, that's great!

Juza: It's warm… wearing a scarf and not wearing one, makes a huge difference.

Izumi: I know right? Starting tomorrow, you should go out while properly wearing a scarf.

Juza: Yeah, I'll do that.


Izumi: (I'm happy everyone liked, the curry nabe from yesterday's dinner)

Ah, Juza-kun. Morning!

Juza: Morning.

Izumi: Breakfast will be ready soon so wait just a bit more!

Juza: R-Right. …um, Director.

Izumi: Hm?

Juza: Er… sorry for being so sudden, but are you free on the afternoon today?

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