
Monday, October 16, 2017

Event Tag Match Halloween '17 Translation Part 1/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Characters Appearing

 Others: Manager, Haruto, Reni

Haruto: ….

Reni: Now, I'm going to announce the members chosen for Halloween this year. …first is Hibiki*. Next is--.


Reni: --and, Asuka Haruto.

Haruto: --Yes.

Reni: You understand right. Losing is not permitted.

Haruto: …I will certainly win.

Haruto: (I'll show results, and take the top again…)

Reni: Oh… you're having quite good eyes there.

Reni: Fine. Haruto, this year your costume is--.


Manager: Trick or treat~!!

Kamekichi: If you don't want to be tricked, bring your sweets here!

Izumi: …what happened suddenly?

Manager: Eeh!? It's Halloween soon isn't it~! It's exciting and thrilling!

Yuki: Why is an adult your age getting all happy.

Kazunari: Sukecchi, can it be that surprisingly enough you're the party animal type who walks around the city with a costume!?

If you have to be specific, isn't he the type to go for the candies?

Manager: You're wrong~!

Manager: For Veludo Town, Halloween is a once in a year important event!

Izumi: Speaking of which, I think I've heard about Veludo Way Halloween before…

Manager: Exactly! On Halloween, many people from all over the country gather in Veludo Way!

Many theatre companies wear costumes and participate in the event, you can enjoy both the costumes and the performances so loooots of visitors are coming!

Yuki: I see. Well if the costumes are made by theatre people, they're probably of a high standard.

Manager: And the participating actors wear costumes and do a street act as a pair, and instead of offerings they get candies from the audience!

Banri: This event sure makes a good combination of Halloween and acting.

Tsumugi: I've been to this event before, it was gorgeous and very lively.

Kazunari: Miracle hyper tension up!! Sounds super fun! And seems like I'll be able to take lots of photogenic pics, I so want to participate!

Manager: On top of it this event involves a contest. It's a match between the amount of candies, and the pair who receives the most candies wins!

Manager: The pair who won, can perform on a special, huge stage~!

Manager: TV cameras would be there too, it's excellent for advertising! It's a chance to get people from all over the country to know Mankai Company!

Kamekichi: Standing out like crazy, getting attention like crazy!

Izumi: So this event is on such a big scale. It really might be a chance!

Tsumugi: I think, that it's most likely on the biggest scale out of all the contests we've participated in so far.

Tasuku: ….

Translation Notes:
*The name 響 has several readings, Hibiki being the most common so i went with it.

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