Monday, March 15, 2021

SSR Sebek Birthday Suit Up Translation Part 1/3

Happy Birthday

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 

Diasomnia Dorm - Birthday Party Venue

NRC School Paper
Special Interview for Birthday Boys ~Sebek~

MC: Happy birthday. How do you feel about welcoming today?

Sebek: Right, growing one year older means growing more mature…

Sebek: Which means, I got one step closer to becoming a man fitting to be the Young Master's servant! It is truly a joyous thing!!

MC: Did your family contact you for your birthday?

Sebek: Yeah, my parents sent me a message card.

MC: What kind of people are your parents?

Sebek: My mother is a messenger of the night… meaning, she is a nocturnal fae. She's a magnificent person.

Sebek: She is extremely proficient in magic, seems like everyone around her acknowledged her skills since early in her life.

Sebek: She is very earnest and has a strong sense of justice…. When I see my mother, my tension disappears.

Sebek: And not only her personality, but she also excels in the specialty of our family, occlusion… biting force.

Sebek: I'm very proud to have her as my mother.

MC: And your father?

Sebek: My father is a dentist… and a human.

Sebek: He can't use magic but for some reason he's living in the Valley of Thorns, he's a very strange individual.

Sebek: When my siblings and I use magic

Sebek: He gets genuinely happy and praises us, saying "so amazing!", it's making me lose my mind.

Sebek: He buys for me candies and souvenirs even though I didn’t ask him to, and he always tries to start a conversation…

: No matter what I say he's always smiling… I don’t understand him in the slightest.

Sebek: I hear my mother met him in his clinic, she took a liking to his skills and personality, and approached him rather passionately.

Sebek: Her surroundings were against her marrying a human, but she overcame the opposition.

Sebek: …What did she find so charming about my father?

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