Monday, March 15, 2021

SSR Sebek Birthday Suit Up Translation Part 2/3

Happy Birthday

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 


Diasomnia Dorm - Birthday Party Venue

NRC School Paper
Special Interview for Birthday Boys ~Sebek~

MC: What are you doing after school?

Sebek: First I engage in club activities!

Sebek: As a member of the equestrian club, I'm busy with not only horse-riding training, but also with taking care of the horses and cleaning the stables.

Sebek: Once I'm done with that, I go back to my Dorm room and start studying.

Sebek: I prepare for class, go over the material and prepare for exams. When I'm tired of studying, I start training.

MC: Isn't it rough training right after studying?

Sebek: Not at all. It is a good change of pace, and when you move your body your brain is stimulated, helping with memorization!

Sebek: Once I was able to completely memorize a History of Magic book in three days.

Sebek: In order to become a fine guard for my Young Master, I must have not only physical strength, but also intelligence!

Sebek: Studying and training in intervals is effective for both your pursuit of knowledge and muscle strength. You should try it too.

MC: Thank you for the advice. By the way, is there anything you keep as treasure?

Sebek: Hmph… there is. I will tell you as an exception.

Sebek: The portrait of the Young Master in my room!!!

Sebek: I greet it every morning and every evening, when I leave my room, come back to it and before going to bed. I can’t imagine a life without it.

MC: How did you get it?

Sebek: The truth is, it was an enrolment gift from the Young Master and Lilia-sama.

Sebek: When I got accepted to this school, Lilia-sama asked me if I want something as celebratory gift.

Sebek: Knowing it was unreasonable, I tried asking… and a few months later, I was summoned to the castle.

Sebek: When I arrived at the castle, the Young Master was holding the portrait, and he gave it to me with his own hands!!

Sebek: Seems like Lilia-sama asked the Young Master, so during the holidays he called the court painter to the castle and had them draw it.

Sebek: It surely was a dream-like event…I will treasure this portrait for the rest of my life!

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