Friday, March 5, 2021

SR Omi Thoughtful Gift Translation Part 1/2

A Reward for a Job Well Done

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Studio Senior: Then just like explained, we'll be using plenty of oranges for the shooting so keep that in mind.

Omi: Understood.

Studio Senior: That's it for the explanation about the bridal shooting, but… Fushimi, there's something I want to ask of you.

Omi: What is it?

Studio Senior: I would like you to get us the refreshments for the models.

Studio Senior: If possible, I would like it to be something women would love. Can I ask that from you?

Omi: No problem. I'll look for something to buy.

Studio Senior: Thank you!

Omi: (Something that women would love, huh…)


Izumi: This one looks yummy.

Muku: Woah, you're right!

Omi: I'm home.

Muku: Welcome back, Omi-san.

Izumi: Hey, Omi-kun. You haven't eaten yet right? I'll make something for you right away.

Omi: Thank you.

Omi: Muku, what were you looking at?

Muku: This magazine's report of Valentine's Day gifts!

Muku: Director found the article in this magazine, and she told me about it.

Omi: I see. It's already this time of the year.

Omi: Can I have a look at that article too?

Muku: Here you go!

Izumi: Here, sorry for the wait.

Omi: Thank you.

Izumi: Omi-kun, do you plan on buying something for Valentine's?

Omi: Not really for Valentine's, we have this bridal shooting in our studio soon.

Omi: I was tasked with preparing some refreshments women would love.

Muku: Since it is Valentine's Day soon, chocolates might be a good idea!

Omi: I thought the same. That's why I thought this article might be helpful.

Izumi: This report is nice too, but how about going to the Valentine's event hall? I think there would be even more types there.

Muku: Ah, you're right! It's colorful and florid, it's exciting!

Omi: Saying that, that place would be filled with female customers, you have to be brave to go there alone…

Izumi: Should I come with you then? I just thought I would like to check out some stuff.

Omi: Really? It would be a great help if we go together.

Izumi: Same here, when you go with someone you can hear more opinions, so I'm grateful.

Omi: Then let's visit there soon.

Muku: If you find some delicious chocolate, let me know too!

Omi: Yeah, of course.

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