Friday, November 27, 2020

Event The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition Translation Part 3/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Taichi: Omi-kun, you weren’t sure about enrolling in the dorm at first right?

Omi: Yeah. Since I was the one doing all the chores back home.

Omi: But when I talked about it with my Dad and my brothers, they readily sent me away.

Banri: If Omi wasn’t in the dorm, our food situation would've looked completely different right.

Sakyo: It would've been curry every day all day.

Juza: …I'm glad Omi-san came here.

Taichi: The day I left home huh… for me it was the complete opposite from Omi-kun…

Omi: The day I was about to leave for the dorm…


Taichi's Father
: This is all the luggage left? Then I'll put it in the car.

Taichi: Okay, thanks.

Taichi: I was able to pack everything. Alright, let's go to the dorm--.

Mirai: No! Don’t go big brother!

Taichi: Woah! Mii-chan!?

Masato: Big brother, you're going away? Please don’t go…

Taichi: You too Maa-kun…

Taichi: (I didn’t think those two would feel so lonely…)

Mirai: Big brother… do you hate us now…?

Taichi: O-Of course not!

Masato: T-Then don’t go…!

Mirai: Waa… I don’t want you to go, big brother~!

Taichi: Mii-chan, Maa-kun…

Taichi: Uuuh… if you do that it'll be harder for me to leave~!


Taichi: My mental state was a mess, I was happy and lonely at the same time.

Juza: So that's how it was for you.

Banri: Can't believe you were able to leave like that actually.

Taichi: In the end, my parents helped me and I was somehow able to leave my house.

Omi: If your cute little brother and sister cry to you like that, I imagine it would make your chest hurt.

Taichi: Exactly~. I was this close to crying too!

Taichi: At the very end, they told me goodbye with their tear-filled eyes--.

Taichi: Even now I can't forget their expressions.

Sakyo: It's a nice memory right.

Taichi: Well, now the two of them are head over heels for Aa-chan and Yuki-chan.

Taichi: Even though both Mii-chan and Maa-kun used to love me so much… boohoo.

: Good for you, Azami.

Azami: What are you talking about.

Banri: Anyway, don’t overdo it with your brocon and siscon.

Taichi: I do know that Aa-chan is cool!

Taichi: But even if it's you Aa-chan, I won't give you Mii-chan as a wife!

: HuH!? How did it turn out like that!

Sakyo: Good grief…

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