Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SSR Omi Backstage Hello Mister The Attendant Translation Part 2/3

Exploit! After-Bath Sweets

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:


Misumi: Thanks for the food~!

Homare: Dinner was delicious today as well. Especially the marinated carrots, they were so wonderful my inspiration was touched.

Omi: I'm happy you liked them.

Misumi: Hm~? Omi, you making sweets again~?

Homare: The banana cake that was served for dinner wasn't the dessert?

Omi: It was, this one is for Director.

Misumi: For Director? 

Izumi: Omi-kun, I'm done~.

Omi: I've just finished myself too.

Izumi: Then I'll start the tasting!


Omi: First up is this. A citrus sorbet.

Izumi: Woah, it smells great! It looks cold and refreshing too.

Omi: Next is a jelly. This one is apple flavor, and this one is coffee flavor. The coffee one is supposed to be for adults.

Omi: And then we have panna cota. It feels smooth in your mouth so I think it's easy to eat, how about it?

Izumi: Hmm~, they're all so delicious…!

Juza: …! Desserts?

Yuki: These are not for you.

Taichi: Unfortunately, there's no point if men eat them~.

Juza: ?

Sakuya: In order to make more female customers come to that bathhouse we helped to the other day--.

Sakuya: We’re trying after-bath sweets.

Hisoka: Director is in charge of food sampling.

Juza: Is that so… can't be helped then… sis.

Izumi: (Juza-kun is not giving up…!)

Omi: Don't worry, I made enough for everyone.

Juza: !

Taichi: For real!? That's our Omi-kun!

Yuki: You really are a mom.

Sakuya: Woah, I'm so happy! Thank you so much!

Izumi: I do feel bad for hogging Omi-kun's sweets all by myself.

Izumi: But in any case, every single one of them is really good…

Izumi: Being able to eat such sweets after taking a bath is true bliss.

Omi: Haha, thank you.

Omi: I'm also happy I could see Director's happy face. So much that I feel like making them for you every day.


Izumi: Omi-kun, the chicken salad is ready.

Omi: Thank you. This pasta will be ready any moment too. And the chiffon cake is ready as well.

Omi: Speaking of which, it's been a while since I brought the sample sweets to the bathhouse… I wonder if they're doing well.

Kazunari: You talking about the bathhouse sweets? Seems like they're crazy popular!

Izumi: Really!?

Banri: Yeah. Guys from my department are going there too apparently. It's becoming quite the talk in our uni.

Omi: I see, I'm happy to hear that then.

Kazunari: On top of that, about the popularity. There're the sweets Omimi came up with of course but…

Banri: Guess you can call that synergy.

Izumi: Synergy?

Omi: What are you talking about?

Kazunari: Hm~ it's a bit tough to explain, you should just see for yourself!

Banri: How about you go there and check on them?

Izumi: ???

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