To Libra: Juza
Izumi: (Huh… I feel like my head is still spinning…)
Banri: I spun it more times than you.
Juza: I did.
Banri: Obviously I did.
Juza: You're annoying. I did.
Sakyo: You better stop it, both of you.
Taichi: Ah, I got a LIME from Kyu-chan, he said everything's ready.
Omi: Perfect timing. We're just about to arrive.
Taichi: Speaking of which Juza-san, did you bring the hello celestial sphere?
Juza: Yeah, just in case…
Taichi: In the end we didn’t get to use it in the amusement park.
Juza: Because of Settsu I didn’t have a chance to.
Banri: Haah? You just forgot about it didn't ya.
Taichi: There there… we have a chance now so make a wish!
Azami: Gotta admit I'm curious to hear Juza-san's wish.
Juza: ….
Juza: Then… hello, stars of Libra… make my roommate anyone but Settsu.
Taichi: Eeh!?
Banri: Ha, I've always wished for that too actually.
Omi: Haha, that’s a difficult wish.
Azami: Probably will never come true.
Sakyo: Geez, you brats…
Izumi: (Is it okay to wish for something like that…)
Juza: …

???: ….
Juza: --!?
???: ….
Juza: Hey… don't fuck with me, Settsu.
???: Settsu? My name is Bunnri.
Juza: ….
Bunnri: It's time for breakfast. If we don't hurry up we won't have any left!
Juza: H-Hey…
Izumi: Good morning, Juza-kun, Bunnri-kun.
Taichi: Morning Bunn-chan!
Juza: (No one is surprised…? He's fitting in like it's freaking normal…)
Juza: (What is going on…?)
Omi: Here, Juza, Bunnri, your breakfast.
Juza: …thanks.
Bunnri: Thanks for the food.
Juza: ....
Juza: (His breakfast is just a mountain of carrots…!?)
Juza: (Well he is a bunny so it's obvious… I guess?)
Bunnri: Do you want some carrots? I'll give you one. It's sweet and yummy.
Juza: …N-No, I'm good. You eat them.
Bunnri: Eeh. But they're so yummy.
Juza: (What's going on…)
Banri: …Hey.
Juza: …?
Banri: You took forever to wake up. You have first period today right?
Juza: ….
Banri: What're you spacing out for? You still sleeping?
Juza: Bunnri…
Banri: Huh?
Juza: …guess you're still better than a bunny.
Banri: Hah? The hell are you talking about?
Juza: …It's nothing.
Banri: …?
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