Tuesday, July 21, 2020

SR Juza Backstage BRIGHT Autumn Translation Part 2/2

FLOWER FES ~Cluster Amaryllis~

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Sakyo: So this is the tropic plants area…


Omi: Hm? It's from Taichi.

LIME MESSAGE [TAICHI]: Are you enjoying the Flower Fes? Tell me how it's like!

Sakyo: This brat, isn't he supposed to be at school?

Juza: He might be on lunch break.

Omi: Haha, Taichi wanted to come too after all. Let's get some souvenirs for the house-sitting group.

Izumi: You're right.

Sakyo: Speaking of which there were a few souvenir shops here.

Juza: …Director.

Izumi: What's wrong?

Juza: Err, about the souvenir shop… I wanna go to this one.

Izumi: The candy shop? Ohh, you can buy candies made of flowers! It really feels like a souvenir from the Fes so it might be good.

Juza: Wanna come with me, if that's fine with you?

Izumi: Sure, it's fine.

Izumi: Then I'll be going to the candy shop with Juza-kun.

Sakyo: Got it.

Omi: We'll just look around the shops, so LIME us when you're done.

Juza: 'kay.


Izumi: So it's a joint establishment of a shop and a café huh.

Juza: Looks like you can actually eat in the cafe what's being sold here.

Izumi: I see… woah there're many flowers and herbs in the café too, how pretty.

Staff: We’re currently holding a sweets fair here in the store. Feel free to give it a try if you like~.

Izumi: Heh, looks delicious. …Ah.

Izumi: Juza-kun, could it be that you wanted to eat this one?

Juza: …yeah.

Izumi: (I bet it was awkward for him to go here on his own)

Izumi: Then let's give it a try.

Juza: …! Thanks.


Staff: Here is the menu.

Izumi: Thank you. Ohh, black tea goes well with Japanese sweets.

Juza: Yeah, seems like it's called sweets black tea.

Izumi: I see!

Juza: …it was written in the guidebook.

Izumi: (He investigated it perfectly…!)

Staff: Are you ready to order?

Juza: I want this cluster amaryllis nerikiri and black tea set.*

Izumi: I want the yokan and black tea set.

Staff: Certainly.

Izumi: The cluster amaryllis nerikiri you ordered looks somewhat rare, Juza-kun.

Juza: To be frank I don't know much about flower types but… I was curious about this flower.

Izumi: (Speaking of which the flower he looked at earlier…)

Izumi: Can it be that you were looking at the cluster amaryllis earlier?

Juza: …yeah. How to put it, my eyes were drawn to them.

Izumi: I see.

Juza: Their meaning in the language of flower was written on a sign. Seems like their meaning is "passion".

Juza: When I looked at it, I recalled the video we made during our sixth performance.

Juza: I used to be feared by everyone, and hurting others even when I didn’t want to… so I've always wanted to become someone else.

Juza: But as I joined the Autumn Troupe and continued to act--. This life I led became my strong point as an actor.

Juza: No one wanna see an acting of some made-up self. I'll play roles that only I can act.

Izumi: …yeah.

Izumi: (The Autumn Troupe was pulled forward by Juza-kun's passion for acting. This is precisely the meaning of cluster amaryllis)

Juza: The ones who made me realize it were those guys and you, Director. I'm really grateful.

Izumi: Not at all… that was because Juza-kun faced acting earnestly.

Izumi: But watching Juza-kun growing little by little with my own eyes, is my privilege as a Director.

Juza: But I think I still have a long way to go. I want to act more.

Juza: So I'll be counting on you from now on too, Director.

Izumi: Yeah. Same here.

Staff: Sorry for keeping you waiting~.

Izumi: Thank you so much.

Izumi: Ah, the nerikiri you ordered really is crafted like a cluster amaryllis. It's so cute… it's almost a waste to eat it--.

Juza: munch munch.

Izumi: (As always Juza-kun has no mercy…!)

Juza: …it's good.

Izumi: Fufu.

Juza: ? What's up?

Izumi: No, it's nothing!

Izumi: (This part of Juza-kun that is so straight-forward, I want to keep watching over it)

* Both nerikiri and yokan are types of Japanese sweets

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