
Monday, September 24, 2018

SSR Banri Backstage MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen Translation Part 2/3

One Day Leader Switching! 

Autumn → Summer 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Banri: Sup.

Barni: …wait, you're the only one here Muku?

Muku: I-I'll be in your care today!

Banri: Sure. By the way where is everyone else?

Muku: Err… seems like they're not here, yet.

Banri: Ah?

Muku: I-I'm sorry! Even though I'm Kazu-kun's roommate I can't even bring him here, I'm really so useless.

Muku: I'm a dimwitted and useless person who's even lower than trash. Really, I'm like a baggage that always slows everyone down--.

Muku: For someone like me being the dust that floats in the corner of the room is the most fitting…!

Banri: No, I'm sorry. I was in the wrong here so just calm down.

Banri: Damn it… we don't have this type of person in Autumn Troupe, so I'm already about to go crazy.

Kazunari: Good work piko~! Kazunari makes his arrival!

Misumi: Triangle!

Yuki: Shut it, you're too loud.

Banri: So you're finally here. Oi, you're late you know!

Kazunari: So sowwy! I was on the phone see~.

Yuki: I've been working on a costume. If I stop in a weird place, it's a pain to pick it up again later.

Misumi: Ah! Banri's shirt, it has a triangle~!

Kazunari: Man you're right! It's super cwute!

Barni: Just how carefree are you guys. Just start with preparations for practice already!

Muku: Y-Yes! Right away!

Yuki: Sure sure. Rather, honestly it's more surprising that you got here before us Neo Yankee.

Kazunari: I know right~! Settsuer, I heard you're skipping school like crazy so I thought you would be more loose about these kinda stuff!

Misumi: Barni, you're on time?

…can it be, that I'm being looked down on?

Banri: Huh, it made me more fired up instead. Hey, line up! We're starting practice!


Banri: Then next we're doing an etude. The roles are…

Kazunari: Here here heeere! I'm an idol who is also a media creator!

Kazunari: Like the type who can sing and dance and design too, a popular model who keeps appearing on magazine covers, and also as lead roles of movies!

Banri: You're being way too fired up with the settings!

Masumi: I'm a triangle king~.

Barni: The hell did you come from! Rather what is a triangle king in the first place.

Muku: T-Then I'm the hero pizzeria worker, who appears in the manga "Dreaming Rabbit"…

Banri: I understand it's the usual shojo manga stuff but why a pizzeria worker.

Yuki: Then I'm a tailor. I'm in charge of the costumes after all.

Banri: S-Sure. This one is normal…

Banri: Wait, what kinda performance do you plan on doing with an… idol-creator? And, a king and a pizzeria worker and a tailor!

Kazunari: It's fine mah boy! We can make it work~! More like doesn't it sound like fun!? It's making me excited!

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