
Monday, September 24, 2018

SSR Banri Backstage MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen Translation Part 1/3

One Day Leader Switching! 

Autumn → Summer 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Tenma: Huh. Can something be done about the lack of composure in our Troupe though.

Banri: Same here. Hell, I would really like Winter Troupe to share some of its composure with us.

Tsumugi: For us, more than saying we're composed, going at our own pace fits better I believe…

Sakuya: Spring Troupe is full of slow starters too, so we have a lot to learn from the explosive power of Summer and Autumn.

Izumi: The grass is always greener on the other side huh.

Banri: True that.

Izumi: I know! How about trying to switch leaders for one day?

Sakuya: Switching leaders for one day?

Izumi: Right. You can get to know the other Troupes and learn from them, and it would become a good opportunity to reexamine your own Troupe.

Tsumugi: I see. We will be able to get each others' characteristic and strong and weak points.

Tenma: Heh… sounds interesting. You come up with some nice stuff.

Sakuya: I agree!

Banri: Awright, I'm in too.

Izumi: It's decided then. Then, let's decide who is going where.

Izumi: Do you have any preferences for which Troupe you want to lead?

Tenma: Let me just warn you, if you don't have stamina you're going to have a hard time in our Troupe.

Tsumugi: Summer Troupe huh. Indeed with Summer Troupe members I wouldn't know how to han--. Um, everyone is really energetic.

Izumi: It's okay, Tsumugi-san. Just say honestly that handling the members sounds tough…

Sakuya: If you need stamina, then how about Banri-kun. Autumn Troupe is good at action after all.

Banri: Eh.

Tsumugi: True, out of the four leaders Banri-kun might be in the best shape.

Izumi: Then, how about Banri-kun being the one to go to Summer Troupe?

Tenma: It's fine isn’t it?

Banri: To that zoo… for real.

Tenma: You’ve got your life on easy mode right? Well, do your best.

Banri: Geez… Well, Autumn Troupe doesn't lose when it comes to being noisy, so I can make it work.

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