
Friday, August 24, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Sunset Bayside Translation Part 3/3

Port City Meeting for Two

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: Here, sorry for the wait. Is coffee okay?

Omi: Thank you. Sorry about that.

Izumi: You don't have to apologize. Rather, I'm sorry for making you tag with for the whole day.

Omi: No, it's fine. I told you right? I was free on Saturday to begin with, and I wanted to ride my bike too.

Omi: How was it for you Director? Did you have fun?

Izumi: Yup, of course! In the Spice Market too but--.

CHOICE 1: The footbath felt good too

CHOICE 2: Riding the bike was fun too

Omi: …but, I was a bit relieved to hear you had fun.

Izumi: Eh? Why?

Omi: The footbath for example. We didn't make plans to go there right?

Omi: I thought I was causing you to be concerned about me.

Izumi: That's not true!

Izumi: At first my objective was the Spice Market but…

Izumi: Omi-kun, even though you often get home late you help around with shopping and cooking so--.

Izumi: Since it was a chance, I thought it would be nice if Omi-kun can take a break.

Omi: …Director you're always looking at us, and thinking about us like this.

Omi: Thank you.

Omi: But for me shopping and cooking aren’t really a hardship, on the other hand, I do them because I want to.

Omi: Making meals with Director is fun too, and I'm cheered up just by looking at everyone's smiles when they eat those meals.

Izumi: …then, it's not "sorry for making you come with me", but "thank you for coming with me" right.

Izumi: Omi-kun, once again thank you for today!

Omi: …!

Izumi: …? What happened?

Omi: No, your expression right now was really nice.

Omi: Speaking of which, I just remembered that I brought my camera with me today. Director, will you let me take a picture of you?

Izumi: Eh? I don't mind but… it's a bit embarrassing.

Omi: Haha, just take it easy. Here, let's do it while talking about the fun we had today.


Omi: Yup, that's a nice smile. Thank you, Director.

Izumi: You're welcome. …it's embarrassing, so don’t show it to others okay.

Omi: Really? I thought it came out really nicely.

Omi: …then, I'll think of it as a special photo only for me, I won’t show it to anyone and I'll treasure it.

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