
Friday, August 24, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Sunset Bayside Translation Part 2/3

Port City Meeting for Two

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: I kept you waiting Omi-kun!

Omi: Were you able to buy the spices you wanted?

Izumi: Of course! It's a good thing we came on the opening day~.

Izumi: The employee said that the rare spices get sold out in no time.

Omi: It really is more crowded that I thought.

Izumi: Omi-kun did you get something?

Omi: Yeah. When I asked the employee about the spices that interested me, they explained it to me in details, so I learned a lot.

Izumi: That's great!

Izumi: Ah, right. Tonight I'm going to use the spices I bought for the curry so look forward to it!

Omi: Haha, I thought you would say that. I'll help you to make the curry.

Omi: Alright, is there any other place you want to visit or see?

Omi: We came all the way here after all, so if you have a place you want to see let's go there.

Izumi: Um you see, actually there is that. I thought it would be nice to go to a footbath.

Izumi: Here, this place. Seems like it's not far from here.

Omi: Heh, a footbath huh… it will really make for a good break.

Omi: Alright, let's go.

Izumi: Yeah!

Izumi: (It would be nice if Omi-kun can relax even for a bit).


Izumi: Ah, there’re two empty seats.

Omi: We had a great timing. …heh, the view is nice too, it's perfect for a break.

Izumi: You're right. …ah, the temperature of the water feels great too!

Omi: Oh, looks like over there there're stones spread on the bottom. It's like a foot massage.

Izumi: Interesting, let's try it later.

Old man: Hohoho, how energetic. Are you two lovers?

Omi: Eh…

Izumi: N-No, we are not lovers!

Old woman: Really now? You look so friendly, so I was sure of that.

Old man: Where did you come from? Is it far?

Omi: We came by bike from Veludo Town.

Old man: Oh, Veludo Town! It's the town of actors right?

Izumi: You're really knowledgeable!

Old woman:
My husband has loved performances for a long time. Can it be that you're actors too?


Izumi: Huh, we could really take it easy.

Omi: Right. Well then, we have preparations for dinner, we should head back soon.

Izumi: Yeah.

Izumi: It was fun talking with you! We're leaving now.

Old woman: No, we had fun too.

Old man: Be careful on your way back.

Omi: Yes, thank you very much.


Omi: We have half the way left until the dorms.

Izumi: You're right. Omi-kun, aren't you tired from driving?

Izumi: Let's take a break and have something to drink.

Omi: Good idea.


Omi: Phew, the wind feels great.

Izumi: I'm going to buy drinks from the vending machine. Omi-kun you wait here.

Yeah, thank you.

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