
Monday, September 24, 2018

SSR Banri Backstage MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen Translation Part 3/3

One Day Leader Switching! 

Autumn → Summer 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Banri: Then, an etude with an idol-creator? And, a triangle king? And a pizzeria worker and a tailor…

Banri: I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, but anyway, start!

Kazunari: "Guys~! Thanks a bunch for coming to see my live today~! I'll keep on making great works from now on too!"

Misumi: "It was a very splendid performance indeed"

Kazunari: "King! You came all the way to the dressing room! Thank you very much!"

Yuki: "King, please don't just leave the castle! I told you we're taking measurements in the afternoon right"

Muku: "E-Excuse me! The pizza you ordered is here!"

Banri: Stop.

Banri: A king coming to the dressing room of an idol, the tailor following him, and the pizza delivery man just coming in--.

Banri: That's just pure chaos I don't even know what's going on!

Misumi: ?? It's always like this though~?

Banri: You must be kidding.

(In Autumn Troupe… Hyodo is pissing me off, but while we practice he kinda listens to what he's told, and Taichi is an idiot but he's extremely hard working)

Banri: (Omi is sometimes an airhead but he's doing everything seriously)

Banri: (Sakyo-san always nitpicks but his observations are accurate… and it's hard to admit but he's dependable)

Banri: (I often get angry at them, but in the Autumn Troupe I've been getting lots of help from the others…)

Yuki: In the first place it's because Over-Friendly Boy started with a weird settings like a live.

Te-he! I thought it would be more exciting this way.

Muku: I-I'm sorry! It's because I suddenly came with the pizza out of nowhere! As I thought I'm a trash and garbage who can't even read the situation…

Misumi: Want to eat triangular pizza together?

Banri: …is Tenma, always dealing with those guys. I seriously respect him man.


Juza: "There is a letter for you" – my bad, I messed up. One more time.

Banri: Don't sweat it. Let's start again from the previous scene.

Juza: …!?

Taichi: Ouch… I hurt my knee when I rode the skateboard today~.

Banri: Make sure you treat it.

Taichi: Eh!?

Omi: Hey, I brought some refreshments.

Banri: Thanks.

Omi: Hm? Sure. That's rare. For Banri to say something like that.

Banri: That's just normal.

Sakyo: Settsu, in the scene just now look around you more carefully and match the mood of your acting.

Got it. I'll review it.

Taichi: W-What happened? Isn't Ban-chan really honest and kind today!?

Juza: Did he eat something weird…

Fu, seems like that "switching" wasn't a waste.

Looks that way.

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