
Monday, October 1, 2018

SR Taichi Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 1/2

Pop the Soda Open!

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing: 

Omi: For this scene, wouldn't it be better for Juza to come at me strong with a turning kick?

Banri: Aah, it would definitely be flashier that way.

Izumi: Then, Omi-kun would stop the kick with his arm, and immediately release his next attack, something like that?

Sakyo: How about we try going with that for now?

Omi: Juza, are you ready?

Juza: Yes.

Banri: Be swift with it.

Juza: …I know.

Omi: Alright, come!

Juza: --Huh!

Taichi: Woah!? Both of them are so intense!

Izumi: Yeah, both of them have good builds so watching them feels great.

Sakyo: It is essential for Autumn Troupe's action.



Taichi: Huuh! I really worked out! Eh? Director-sensei, are you going shopping right now?

Izumi: Yup. What about you Taichi-kun?

Taichi: Just until now, I've been rope-jumping in the garden! I want to build stamina so I can become a worthy member for Autumn Troupe!

Izumi: Heh, so Taichi-kun is working out too.

Taichi: I can't lose to Juza-san and Omi-kun after all!

Taichi: Ah, I know! If you're going shopping, please use me as a bags carrier.

Izumi: Eh? But I don't plan on buying many things today--.

Taichi: I'll carry any baggage no matter how heavy it is! Come on! Let's go!

Izumi: (He isn't listening…)


Taichi: Uh… uughh….

Izumi: Er, Taichi-kun… I'll carry it. The ones I'm carrying are light--.

Taichi: There's no problem here at all! This is nothing…!

Taichi: Ugh…

Izumi: (Since Taichi-kun was with me I ended up buying a lot, but somehow I feel sorry for him…)

Izumi: …W-Want to take a break in the park over there?

Taichi: A-A break…?

Izumi: Yeah, let's buy us some juice.

Juice!? A-Alright!


Taichi: Fu~ that was some heavy labor.

Taichi: But, I feel like it's doing the job on my arms!

Izumi: It was quite the distance until we got here. Thank you for carrying them even though they're heavy.

Taichi: It's totally fine! I can even carry something heavier!

Izumi: (…let's just remain quiet)

Izumi: As thanks for helping me, I'll buy you some juice. What would you like?

Taichi: Really!? Yay! I want Coke!

Izumi: Coke right, just a moment.

Taichi: Yay! I can't wait!

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