Friday, June 8, 2018

SSR Sakuya Backstage MANKAI Birthday Translation Part 1/3

 A Pure Date with Matching Outfits!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Sakuya: I'm home!

Izumi: Welcome home! I've been waiting for you to come back!

Sakuya: Eh?

Izumi: Here, come after me.

Sakuya: U-Um, what happened suddenl… woah!?

Tsuzuru & Itaru & Citron: Congrats!

Sakuya: …eh?

Izumi: Ahaha, were you surprised?

Sakuya: Y-Yes. Um, what is the meaning of this…? What are we celebrating for…?

Masumi: Today's date.

Sakuya: …ah! I see, so today was my birthday!

Izumi: Don't tell me you forgot!?

Sakuya: Yes, completely.

Itaru: We took the chance and tried a surprise party and seems like it was just the right decision.

Yes! It's the first time so many people are celebrating for me… I'm really happy!

Izumi: (It's really great that the surprise party made him happy!)

Izumi: Here. Presents from everyone!

Sakuya: Woah, so many…!

Tsuzuru: I hope you like mine… I was really wavering about what I should give you.

Itaru: Yeah, same here. You would probably be happy with whatever given to you, and even when I tried to ask indirectly I couldn't come up with anything…

Izumi: I had the same problem…

Masumi: That's why I told you it's useless even if you ask.

Citron: I chose something that would make me happy had I gotten it, and that might make Sakuya smile!

Sakuya: Guys, you really thought it over and prepared lots of things… thank you very much!

You're welcome. Well then, let's start the party. You're today's MVP, so eat as much as you want okay!

Sakuya: Yes!


Sakuya: Guys, thank you so much for today! The party was very fun!

Izumi: I too am happy that you're happy. Sakuya-kun, do you have any plans after this?

Sakuya: No, nothing in particular…?

Izumi: Then, want to go out with me for a bit? It's your birthday after all, I'll take you wherever you want.

Sakuya: Eh, is that fine?

Izumi: Of course. You're today's MVP after all Sakuya-kun!

Masumi: What the hell, that’s unfair. I'm going too.

Izumi: You can't come today. It's Sakuya-kun's birthday. I'll go with you on your birthday Masumi-kun, okay?

Masumi: Then, on my birthday it will be a date with just Director and me.

Izumi: G-Got it. If you're fine with that…

Masumi: Yup, it's a promise.

Tsuzuru: Alright alright, stop sticking to Director. We're starting with the cleaning.

Citron: Masumi is house-sitting with us!

Masumi: …that's the worst.

Sakuya: Err, maybe I should help with the cleaning too…

Itaru: Hey. You don't have to pay unnecessary attention. Director-san, can you hurry and take Sakuya?

Tsuzuru: Right. At this rate he's really going to start helping. Please leave the rest to us, and you two go hang out.

Citron: Sakuya, I hope you have lots of fun!

Izumi: Thank you, guys. Then Sakuya-kun, let's go.

Sakuya: Yes! I'll get something for all of you okay!

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