Sunday, March 25, 2018

SSR Juza Backstage KEEP OUT Translation Part 1/3

 Species Crossing Bond

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Izumi: I'm home~.

Taichi: Ah! Director-sensei!

Kazunari: You're late Director-chan! We had a crazy hard time here!

Izumi: Eh, what happened?

Manager: Nothing has happened!!

Taichi: Geez~, Manager! Stop being so stubborn!

Kazunari: More like Sukecchi, how 'bout you calm down a little?

Manager: I am always calm!

Izumi: T-The Manager is angry…?

Juza: Seems like Manager and Kamekichi had a fight.

Izumi: A fight with Kamekichi!?

Taichi: That's right~! On top of it Kamekichi got angry and left!

Izumi: Eeh!? Why did you fight--.

Manager: It's not my fault! It's Kamekichi's!

Izumi: No, like I said what on earth did--.

Manager: I don't want to talk about it!

Izumi: (He's really sulking…)

Muku: I wonder if he can get food outside…?

Juza: Running away from home huh… this bird is seriously like a person.

Izumi: No no it's not the time to get impressed. Isn't it better if we go searching for him right away?

Manager: There's no need! The last time he ran away from home, he came back for dinner.

Manager: So there's no need to trouble you all, it's alright!

Juza: If we all go searching for him, it might make it hard for him to come back.

Izumi: Hmm, you have a point…

Kazunari: Then, let's wait for the time being.

Muku: Kamekichi, I wonder if he's okay… his parting remark was really something so I'm worried.

Izumi: Parting remark?

Muku: "I'm cutting all ties with you! You round glasses bastard!"

Izumi: !?

Juza: --!

Muku: He said that loudly and flew away…

Izumi: That's really some amazing parting remark…

Juza: …Muku, don't use that language.

Muku: Ah… I-I'm sorry. I thought I should make it realistic.

Juza: …it's bad for my heart.

Taichi: I could feel your family connection with Juza-san…

Manager: Good grief! Round glasses bastard, such a mean insult! I will never go searching for him!


Izumi: It's way past dinner time but… Kamekichi, hasn't returned yet.

Manager: ………..

Banri: Isn't he being made into yakitori somewhere.

Manager: !?

Izumi: Banri-kun?

Banri: I'm joking.

Muku: I- I'll go looking for him right away!

Juza: You can't. Going out this late is dangerous.

Muku: But, if he turns into yakitori…

Izumi: That won't happen so it's alright!

Juza: If he isn't back by tomorrow we'll go searching for him. For today, we should sleep.

Muku: Okay…

Manager, do you have any idea where Kamekichi can go?

Manager: …I have none.

Izumi: Then, tonight for once everyone will go to bed you know?

Manager: I-It's fine really. …ah, but please leave the windows open.

Izumi: Of course! Otherwise even if Kamekichi returns he wouldn't be able to enter.

Manager: I-It's not really for Kamekichi! It's because I want to put my head out the window and sing loudly!

Kazunari: Are you a tsundere?

Taichi: Rather, if you open the window and sing this late at night you'll trouble the neighbors!

Manager: I-In any case I'm asking you! Let's let go of the issue of Kamekichi already!

Izumi: (Is what he says, but he looks pretty worried…)

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