Saturday, November 11, 2017

Event hAve A greAt trip! Translation Part 3/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Taichi: I can't find my passport!!

Omi: Eeh? But when we left, it was in your luggage right?

Banri: Look for it properly.

Tacihi: Waah! I-If I can't find it, then I'll be the only one to stay here!?

Sakyo: Oi, it's in the bottom of your suitcase isn't it…! Making such a fuss, put in an easy to find place!

Taichi: Gyaa! Sakyo-nii, I'm sorry! I'm happy you found it~!

Izumi: Eh, speaking of which Hisoka-san your passport…?

Azuma: Fufu, I arranged it for him.

Izumi: Is that so…?

Izumi: (How did he…? I'll just leave it at that and won't dig deepper)


Izumi: Huh, somehow we were able to broad safely!

Sakyo: For God's sake… that's why I told you to prepare everything beforehand.

Omi: Continuing from the Autumn and Winter Troupes training camp, Sakyo-san is acting like the teacher in charge of us…

Sakuya: Azuma-san, you're often going overseas right!

Azuma: Yup. I've been before in the country we're going to visit, so if it's on the level of daily conversations I can speak the language.

Sakuya: Is that so!? As expected!

Kazunari: Yup yup! I also go overseas sometimes so I can speak some too ♪

Tenma: Heh, is that so.

Homare: I also go overseas from time to time. As I thought when overseas I get inspired with poems that I can't think of in Japan!

Muku: Woah, by all means I want to hear the poems inspired by being overseas…! They must be romantic poems filled with emotions about a foreign country…!

Tsuzuru: I see, they're also going to serve an in-flight meal.

Taichi: Seems like it includes a dessert too!

Juza: Munch… dessert…

Hisoka: Bites… maybe, it's marshmallow…

Banri: How dare you talk about a dessert while holding candies…

Izumi: (That's great, everyone seems to have a good time)

Izumi: …eh? Tsumugi-san, is that, a travel magazine?

Tsumugi: Yes. Seems like Kazu-kun is passing around the magazine he bought.

Tasuku: Making even a trip guidebook, that guy is really working hard when it comes to those things… well, it is helpful though.

Tsumugi: This magazine too has various sightseeing attractions in it. I wonder where to go to…

Misumi: Ah! A triangle~!

Tsumugi: Eh?

Misumi: Here, this page! It has a triangle!

Tsumugi: Ah, you're right. This is an art museum.

Izumi: Heh, it has a huge triangle artwork.

Misumi: I decided! Me, I'm going there~!

Oya? Misumi-kun you're going to the museum too?

Homare: I thought about going there too, if you like how about we go together?

Yup! I'll come~!

Fufu, this place is just perfect for Misumi.

Tsumugi: Alright, then I'll go to this place… Here, Itaru-kun. It's your turn.

Itaru: Yup, thank you.

Izumi: Itaru-san, are you playing games on the airplane too…

No no, this is me making preparations.


Itaru: Yup. Preparations for the overseas trip.

Izumi: ???

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