Friday, May 14, 2021

SSR Silver Birthday Suit Up Translation Part 2/3

Happy Birthday

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Diasomnia Dorm - Birthday Party Venue

NRC School Paper
Special Interview for Birthday Boys ~Silver~

Silver: Zzz… Zzz….

MC: E-Excuse me…

Silver: Huh! I'm sorry, I suddenly got sleepy… Even though I slept well last night, it had no effect…

Silver: I apologize. If I fall asleep again, don’t hesitate to knock me awake.

: Got it. How is life in the academy like?

Silver: I'm often surprised with how life here is different. Because until I came to this school, I lived in a thick forest in the Valley of Thorns.

Silver: For example, electric appliances. It's very helpful being able to clean and do laundry without magic.

Silver: I was also surprised by the bright light even after sunset. The forest back in my homeland was pitch black.

Silver: But more than anything, the most surprising thing was…. food being so delicious.

Silver: I grew up either cooking for myself or eating my father's peculiar-tasting cooking… so I was deeply impressed.

MC: Is there anything else that changed after enrolling?

Silver: Making many friends, I guess. Since in the Valley of Thorns, the only one around my age was Sebek.

Silver: Going with classmates to the school shop on our breaks is something I've never experienced back home.

Silver: In the store, I'm looking at the sharpening stones and the newest self-protection tools. The others often look at candies and comic books.

Silver: I'm not knowledgeable about trendy or amusing stuff. So Kalim is helping me a lot by teaching me.

Silver: Oh, and also, Kalim sometimes invites me to parties in his Dorm…

Silver: We eat fruits from the Land of Hot Sands, we ride the magic carpet, he lets me experience many valuable things.

Silver: It's fun perceiving things I didn’t know about. When I'm with everyone, it's nothing but new experiences.

Silver: I think having friends is a thing to be grateful for.

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