Wednesday, June 3, 2020

SSR Juza Novice Photographer Translation Part 1/3

Beloved are the Pictured

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Juza: ….

Izumi: We're home.

Tsuzuru: We're home.

Juza: Welcome home. You went shopping?

Izumi: Yup, Omi-kun said he'll be back late today, so we'll be making dinner instead.

Tsuzuru: Oh, it's already this late. We have to start making dinner.

Juza: 'kay. I'll help too if there's something I can do.

Izumi: Thank you.

Izumi: Hm, Juza-kun, that camera you're holding…

Tsuzuru: It's the toy camera Fushimi-san gave you huh.

Juza: Yeah.

Izumi: (When Omi-kun graduated from Yosei University, he gave Juza-kun and Tsuzuru-kun each one of his old cameras right)

Izumi: Did you take something nice?

Juza: No, haven’t taken anything yet. I still don't really understand when I should be taking pictures…

Juza: Tsuzuru-san, you using your camera?

Tsuzuru: Yeah. If there's something that might be useful for my scripts I make sure to take a picture of it.

Izumi: You even took some on our way to shopping, Tsuzuru-kun.

Tsuzuru: What I took today is… here.

Juza: This is…?

Tsuzuru: A doll that was displayed in one of the shops in the shopping area. It's a vintage shop apparently.

Izumi: And this is a picture of students practicing their dancing on the riverside.

Tsuzuru: Right. I'm taking pictures whenever I think I'm being hit with inspiration. Of course, I ask for permission before taking them.

Juza: …Tsuzuru-san, you're making scripts using these pictures… it's amazing….

Tsuzuru: And also, as shooting practice, I take, for example, pictures of Sakuya and Citron-san eating snacks in the courtyard.

Tsuzuru: I asked Masumi to let me take a picture of him too, but he made a really annoyed face and refused…

Izumi: Ahaha…

Tsuzuru: But well, I think you shouldn't overthink it.

Izumi: Agreed. You should just take a picture whenever you feel like taking one.

Juza: …'kay.


Juza: ….

Omi: Oh, Juza.

Juza: Omi-san.

Omi: Haha, you look all deep in thoughts while looking through the viewfinder.

Omi: So you're using this camera. Thank you.

Juza: Yeah. I'm practicing using it so I can take a photo whenever I wanna to take one but… it's not going so well.

Juza: I've never used a camera before so I don’t understand how to handle it… it's complicated.

Juza: How can I take photos like yours, Omi-san…?

Omi: Hmm, let's see…

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