Thursday, June 4, 2020

SR Silver Summoning Robes Translation Part 2/2

I Want to Repay the Debt

Part 1 / Part 2


Idia: Huuuh… class is finally over. In any case the weather is too nice today… it's a bit hard on shut-ins honestly…

Idia: On days like this the best course of action is going back to my room and complete all the daily quests.

???: ……..

Idia: …hm, is there someone here?

Idia: S-S-S-S-S-Silver!? Why are you lying dead here in the courtyard!?

Silver: Zzz… zzz…

Idia: Ah… is he just sleeping…? Damn, that scared me…

Idia: …but he has such a handsome face. I bet he is popular with the ladies~.

Idia: His sleeping face is sparkling like a prince's. Even animals are gathering around him…

Idia: It's as if he's a different person from the one I met on the day before the Magic Shift Tournament.

Idia: He thrust his baton at me, it was scary…

Idia: If not for that meeting, I would've never interacted with someone like him.

Silver: Hn… Uuh…

Idia: Eeek! I-i-i-is he, is he waking up?

Silver: Yawns, ah… I thought I sensed the presence of another person, so it was you Idia-senpai…

Idia: Y-y-y-y-you're wrong!! I by no means have stolen glances at your sleeping face!!

Silver: ? Try to calm down first. Whenever you meet me you get all startled huh.

Idia: T-That was the reaction of a gloomy person you know…

Idia: A-a-a-a-anyone would be surprised if you swing a baton at them like you did the other day.

Silver: Now that you say that I guess that's true… I'm sorry about that day.

Idia: Ugh… getting such a sincere apology is making me all wobbly…

Idia: M-Mr. Silver, you're a bit strange… you're honest and loyal for a student here…

Silver: …is that so?

Idia: Y-Yeah. Walking around at night for your Dorm Leader's safety is something students in Ignihyde would never do…

Idia: …ah! Can it be that Mr. Malleus is imposing a reign of terror on Diasomnia Dorm?

Idia: I-it makes sense then… you were forced to patrol at night right?

Silver: A reign of terror is unnecessary in Diasomnia Dorm. The night patrol was something we did independently.

Silver: I don’t know about you and the students in Ignihyde Dorm but I'll do anything for the one I swore loyalty to.

Silver: Because the fact that I can live right now is all thanks to my Old Man and Malleus-sama.

Silver: I want to repay the debt to them.

Idia: Ooh… your expression is cool but I can hear the passion of a weeb in your voice…

Idia: I can relate to that…

Silver: On top of that, I want to avoid a conflict between the kingdom of the humans and the Valley of Thrones, in case something was to happen to Malleus-sama.

Silver: I can’t do much with my strength alone but I want to do whatever I can.

Silver: My Old Man told me time and again that we shouldn't make war, that's how he raised me…

Idia: Oh… such deep words.

Idia: I bet that "Old Man" of yours is a strong person with a body and soul of steel.

Silver: Yeah. My Old Man served in the royal guard under the Lord of the Valley of Thrones.

Silver: It is said that he was valued for his skills at the art of war, and he had the trust of the Queen.

Silver: He's resigned now, but he threw himself into wars many times, he even received medals as a warrior.

Silver: I'm sure without a doubt that he went through severe experiences beyond my imagination…

Idia: W-What the hell. It's like an open-world RPG…

Silver: Open world?

Idia: I-it's about online games. Right, IRL wouldn’t know about that, sorry for being such a weeb.

Silver: No, I've heard about online games. My Old Man also often plays those games until late at night.

Idia: Hmm!? Your Old Man turned into a common person!?

Silver: My Old Man has always liked whatever was popular at the moment. Recently he has started using Magicame too.

Idia: E-Eeeeh!? His all-powerful royal knight character is breaking and breaking…!

Lilia: Hey Silver. What are you loafing around there for?

Lilia: You promised you'll help me with the high difficulty quest after school right?

Silver: Old M-… Lilia-senpai. I'm sorry. I'll go right away.

Lilia: Hm…? What do you know, it's Idia. Such a strange combination.

Idia: Ah, ah, ….L-L-L-Lilia. That's, um…

Silver: We met by chance while I was napping here.

Silver: See you later, Idia-senpai.

Idia: Y-Yeah, see you…

Idia: …Silver's story about his Old Man was interesting.

Idia: Even though he's a decorated warrior of the Valley of Thrones he's also a heavy user of online games and Magicame lolol.

Idia: If such a person really exists, even a human hater like me would want to meet him…

Diasomnia Dorm – Hallway

Lilia: I have to grind materials for the upcoming new items. And a seasonal event is starting next week, how busy.

Silver: You really look like you're having fun when you talk about games.

Lilia: When I was young, there weren't any online games, see.

Lilia: All the residents of the world overcome boundaries and devote themselves to entertainment. It became such a peaceful world.

Silver: That's right. A peaceful world where you can enjoy games…

Silver: After all, I have to keep protecting it.

Lilia: …you turned into an arrogant one as well.

Lilia: Then I'll take you up on that and concentrate on gaming to my heart content. I won't let you sleep tonight~!

Silver: A-Anything but that, Old Man…

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